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Summary- another song one! The song grenade by bruno mars.

Tony's pov.

Requested by:OhWowIWonderWhy

It was like a fairytale, that turned into a nightmare.

I met steve at a small cafe down the road a ways. He worked there, wiping tables and bringing people their coffee. God i still remember thr first time i saw those piercing blue eyes.

It was a sunday, the days i usually found myself at the cafe, called 'the daily grind'. He would usually work weekends. How did i know that? Well i frequented the place. It was basically my second home.

As i was saying, it was a sunday i was in the back as normal. I wasn't doing anything to special just catching up on some things from work on my laptop, and enjoying a nice hot cup of black coffee. I don't care call me plain.

I was intrigued on what my boss had posted that i didn't even realise i had sat my cup down....

Ok basically i missed the table.

It landed on the floor with a boom. A loud boom, causing everyone to look at me.

Blushing i took a couple of napkins and tried to clean the mess up myself.

"Let me get that."

There it was... that deep angelic voice. The one i fell in love with the moment i heard it.

He knelt down, picked up the peices of glass and threw them on his tray, on his way back up to his feet he glanced up at me. His eyes met mine, and i litterly thought i was gonna have an asthma attack... i dont even have asthma.

They were this pretty vibrant blue. They looked like the ocean and the sky had a baby. God they were beautiful! He was beautiful...

"Let me go get a mop." At that point all i could do was nod.

I couldn't speak, i couldn't breathe... i couldn't function normally...

So after that day i frequented the place even more. Finally finding courage to ask him on a date... to my surprise he said yes. And we had our date right there in the cafe, on his lunch break.

So romantic i know.

That day, was the day i knew for a fact that i loved Steven Grant Rogers.

And i thought he loved me.

He told me enough, said i was handsome and he would do anything for me. Which i mistakingly believed... like an idiot.

When someone tells you they love you, they don't always mean it.

I figured that out the hard way...

See he didnt realise i would do anything in the whole world for him. I would die for him if he wanted me to. And i always thought he felt the same.

Turns out i was wrong.

I mean the first couple of months were like a dream come true. He was nice and respective. He bought me gifts, and would cook me breakfast. He would take me places, that i knew he could hardly afford due to the minimum wage he was earning.

I felt like i was on top of the world when i was with him. 

And then my world got flipped.

And suddenly i was the ground that got trampled on. Treated like i was a peice of dirt. He didnt tell me he loved me anymore. He didn't cook me breakfast, or buy me small gifts like he did before.

He would stay out late and not text or call. He wouldn't tell me what he was doing where he was going.

Which wasn't a problem really, i mean i get it personal space. But when its every night and he comes home just acting... different.

It was hard.

We hardly talked about anything, we didn't sit together and watch tv like we would before. It was different.

And then the time came, like i knew it would. He came home, early... which was fairly unusual. He slumped down in the couch, and gave me the look. I didn't need an explanation... i didnt need to ask for one. But the only word, i could manage to say... was "why?"

His answer... it was what i wasn't  expecting. Never before did i think that, he would do what he did. But when he looked at me... and those blues that i fell in love with, were red around the edges. I knew... he regretted it.

I knew he didn't mean it.

But that was just another thing that i wanted so hard to believe. I wanted him to tell me he didnt mean it. I wanted him to say it out loud... but i knew.

He did.

I knew it, i knew he didnt love me anymore. I had known for a long time. But, for some reason, i refused to wanna believe it. When i knew deep down, that i should. That i should just, face the fact.... it was gonna end.

But standing there, looking at him. I felt as if it was my fault. I knew it was.

But no matter how small he made me feel. I knew... i would still do anything for him.

Well that that was kinda short.

Anywho, LISTEN HERE PEOPLE!! You guys should really check out Luv_you_3000 book. It is fabulous and it only has one chapter...


They should have another chapter up tomorrow.

Im in love with it already, and i really feel like you guys will like it too.  So please please please check out!!!!!!!

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