Stopped Loving You

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"Morning babe!" Steve says cheerfully. He was always happy in the mornings, guess that's what he gets for being an early bird.

Tony was quite the opposite, he hated waking up early and was usually always cranky. He had work so Steve wasn't suprised by his response.

"Morning." Tony's response was bland as usual in the mornings, it was the same tone he had always used but it held just a little bit of something behind it. He sounded like He was mad at Steve.

"I made you some coffee." Steve says happily not letting the mood his boyfriend was in faze him. He always tried to seem cheery for him, always smiling at him, even if he didn't get a smile back. He still tried to seem positive. Because he knew tony needed him to be.

Steve was always trying to impress him. Even if Tony didn't give a shit about what Steve had done for him. Most of the time he would smile, change the subject and start talking about himself.

It hurt steves feelings, but he loved Tony and he didn't care how much Tony put him down, or how much he lied to him, Steve still loved him.

"Don't want it, I'm going to work." Tony says softly before he walks out the door, not even giving Steve the chance to say anything else to him. His tone was much softer then usual, his usual harsh tone seemed to be dull, like it had lost something.

Now what was very unusual was tony always drank coffee in the mornings, and he always gave Steve a kiss before he left too... but today, he just left.

Steve checked his watch as he watched him walk out, a confused look on his face. He tried to figure out what he had done so he could make it better, he hated when Tony was upset with him. He was usually a lot meaner when he was disappointed in Steve.

Steve stayed at home, he was gonna go to the art store to get some supplies, but it had started raining and Tony had the only car. He didn't wanna walk three blocks in the rain, so he just sat on the couch and thought about all the things he coulda done wrong.

He had a nightmare, but when Tony woke him up, it was in a gentle embrace, he was whispering small praises and coos in Steve's ears, trying to calm him down.

Steve had managed to calm down, but he remembers looking at Tony  and seeing tears streaming down his face. He was crying because Steve had a nightmare.

Steve's nightmares were usually always the same. He would dream about the war, or the ice. He would dream about the 30s, about his apartment in brooklyn.

Once Bucky got back, everything had changed for steve. He was spending more time with him, but also wouldn't wanna leave Tony's side.  Most of his time spent with Bucky was on the phone, talking about the new things Bucky had done.

Steve was always proud of him, and would tell him mutiple times within a twenty minute phone call. Tony was always supportive to although he hated hearing Steve call Bucky all those names, and he hated how Steve would always smile more when he was on the phone with Bucky.

Tony hated how everything revolved around, Bucky! Bucky! Bucky!

Once he did get home, he ignored steve and went straight to the bedroom to get clothes. Steve was cooking dinner so it didn't bother him to bad when Tony headed straight to the bedroom to get the things for a shower.

Still no kiss.

Steve just stirred the pasta sauce and kept humming his little song. Once He was finnsihed he missed the dries with the wet and wallah! He had spaghetti, perfectly made spaghetti.

When Tony didn't come into the kitchen when dinner was ready, (Steve was sure he watched him set the table.) He went out to get him.

"Tony?" Steve asks softly sitting down next to him on the couch, Tony had been sitting there for a good ten minutes after his shower, and still wasn't paying any attention to Steve.

"Tony?" He says a bit louder trying to gain his attention. Once he does he looks away, tony gave him a hateful look and Steve still had no idea why "dinners ready." He mumbles softly standing up. He walked towards the kitchen, but stopped and turned back towards Tony, "it's your favorite..."

Steve sat down, and shortly after Tony joined him, they stayed in silence untill Steve couldn't stand it anymore.

"I love you." Steve uses as somthing to break the silence. He looks up at Tony and noticed he wasn't even eating, just holding his fork and staring off into space. He saw a tick in his face before he answered with.

"This chickens good Steve."


It had been two days, Steve was in the phone in their bedroom to Bucky, as Tony got ready for work. Tony was rushing around trying to get everything he needed as fast as he could so he could get out.

He was sick of hearing Buckys voice, how it was so open and smooth around Steve, yet around anyone else he was sharp and short.

Tony forced a smile as he stood at the foot of the bed, waiting for steve to stop his talking.

"I'm free today actually." He says glancing up at Tony and holding a finger up.

Tony sighed and tapped his watch, notifying Steve he had to leave, he let out a frustrated huff when steve shrugged.

"Sure buck, you can come over anytime."

Tony just walked out the door, not saying anything else, to frustrated to care. Steve wasn't paying him any attention and was only focused on Bucky.

Which wasn't completely true Steve just missed his friend and was wanting to catch up with him.  He only ever had the chance to do so in the mornings. Bucky had therapy and usually always called Steve afterward so he could tell him how much better he was doing.

Steve was trying to balance between him and Tony, but it was getting harder to do. With Buckys last attack, Steve had to pay mire attention to him, afraid that Bucky might try to hurt himself.

He still loved Tony, always wanted the best for him. Tony was different with steve, he didn't really care what he was doing, or how.

He used Steve alot, on his rough days at work, he would come home and take it out on Steve. Usually in ways Steve didn't appreciate.

Steve didn't mind sometimes, but other times he had to put a stop it it, tony would get rough, demanding... and steve would take it untill he had enough.

He would leave go to Buckys and return hours later, happy and refreshed.

He always came home smelling of Bucky.

Steve never admitted it, but tony knew what he was doing. He knew it would happen the day Bucky got back. He just wasn't prepared for steve to really leave him.


"I hate you!" Tony screamed watching as Steve scrambled to put his clothes back on. He was jerking hid shirt over his head as he followed Tony out Of the bedroom.

"Im not the bad guy Tony!" He yelled out, yanking his shirt down harshly, so harsh he almost ripped the fabric. In the background, Bucky was silently coming out of the room, no shirt on and smirking as he tied his hair up.

"You cheated on me!" Tony screeched, stomping his foot, and Steve honestly had to sigh to keep from laughing at how cute he looked.

"Because you stopped loving me." He defended, as Bucky walked up behind him.

Tony's blood boiled as he wrapped his arms around Steve's waist, hugging him from behind. His heart broke when Steve didn't push him away.

"You asshole." He says quietly, tears filling his eyes but he refused to cry in front of them.

Steve didn't even blink as tony started walking away, picking up his coat and throwing it over his shoulder. He didn't say anything when Tony walked out the door, heart broken and embarrased.

The only time he said anything was when bucky placed a kiss the the nape of his neck and said, "love you Stevie."

Steve chuckled softly and turned around in his arms, "love you too buck." He mumbles back, meaning it as he placed a gentle kiss to Buckys lips.

OwO yeah I know.... Steve's a dick.

Oh well.

I didn't edit so any mistakes are my fault.

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