As You Are

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*sighs* heeeerrreee

Tony's insecure. Stevie loves him.

Tony was always a very insecure person, he would spend hours in front if the mirror, refusing to go unless his hair was perfect. He wore baggy clothes, scared of being laughed at for his shirt being to tight, and a little bit of fat showing. Although he really didn't have any, which he refused to believe.

How could he, most the time he starved himself.

When He had his first date with Steve he was half an hour late, from just sitting in the car... scared he wouldn't be enough for Steve and Steve was to far out of his league.

Steve loved Tony though, even if Tony didn't believe, because he thought of himself as a person no one should love.

He hated his hair, he hated his body, he hated his personality... He just plain out hated himself.

Steve knew Tony hated himself, and it absolutely ate away at him, the day Steve found him crying in the batroom, no shirt on and just staring at himself in the mirror broke his heart.

He instantly wrapped his arms around him, letting Tony cry into his shoulder. He shushed him, and soothed him gently, but didnt say a harsh word as Tony cried.

Tony's scars, they had gotten to him like the many times before, he had them all over his belly... from past experiences of self hate. They marked him as weak, he knew it too.

Steve just hugged him tighter, kissing his head mumbling a small,  "I love you baby, you're so beautiful."  As he kissed his boyfriends naked shoulder next.

Tony shook his head at Steve's words, it wasn't because he didn't believe Steve loved him, he knew good and well that he did. He just knew he wasn't beautiful, nothing about him was beautiful.

Steve gave a soft sound, as he pulled back, cupping Tony's tear stained face in his hands. He kissed the tears away, and gave Tony a warm smile.

"Tony, sweetheart you are so beautiful, I don't even know what to do with myself half the time when I see you." He says but tony shook his head again, as fresh tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Don't cry baby, you're to perfect to cry... smile for me yeah?" Steve asks kissing his cheeks again, he was trying his hardest to get Tony to love himself as much as Steve loved him.

Which may be impossible since Steve figured no one could love Tony as much as he did.

Tony shook his head again, and closed his eyes, letting out a sigh with a quivering lip. Steve kissed his forehead, then his nose and finally his lips, Tony could taste the salt of his tears on Steve lips.

Steve pulled away and his eyes scanned Tony's body, softly he asked, "what's gotten to ya?" As he brushed his hands down Tony's bare arms.

Tony pointed to the scars on his belly, scattered about. Most of them were thin and hardly noticible, but some were large and wide and hideous.

Steve gave him a sad smile as he sank to his knees, Tony wasn't sure what he was doing, but when Steve's lips met the most prominent scare his whole heart melted.

Steve kissed each and every individual scar, the big, the small, the thin, the wide. Every single one.

Tony was breathing heavily, not because he was upset but because he felt so incredibly loved it was almost overwhelming.

Once steve finished laying kisses to every beautiful scar on Tony's body, he stood back up and stared at Tony lovingly.

He kissed his forehead, "I love you as you are baby, every mark, every scar... you name it and I love it. You are so perfect Tony, all of you." He murmers sweetly as he ment every word.

He loved Tony so much, and he would fight untill the day he died to get Tony to see it. He didn't care about Tonys hair, or his body, none of that mattered. All he cared about was coming home to his perfect boyfriend, laying a kiss to his perfect lips, and loving his perfect being.

Tony was perfect in every way shape in form, and Steve wanted to tell him all day everyday.

"I wish you knew how much I loved you, then may you would love yourself, I swear Tony, if you saw yourself through my eyes..." He trailed off as he gently placed a kiss to Tony's lips

"I just love you so much baby, I want you to know that, remember it, remember how perfect and beautiful you are."

Tony hasn't said a word and that was fine with Steve. He didn't mind he could sit there all day and tell Tony he loved him and would never get tired.

"You're so perfect."

TrAsH is what I Ammm

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