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Summary- tony catches steve flirting with a girl at a party that Steve didnt know Tony had come to. After catching him Tony does what anyone would do, not knowing the story behind it.

Steve's pov

"Come on Tony!" I yell at the man sitting on the couch who hasn't even gotten dressed yet.

"In not going to that stupid party steve i told you already, I'm. Not. Going. End of story." He says back not moving from his spot on the couch.

"Your being a child!" I yell before grabbing my coat and walking out the door without even saying goodbye.

Some of Clint friends are having a party and he invited me and Tony. And of course Tony being the arrogant, self centered, baby he is he refused to come. So now here I am walking down the hall without Tony by my side.

I really wanted him to come with me. He's supposed to come to events such as party's and gatherings with me being my boy friend and all. But he absolutely refused to come. I even picked out clothes for him, but he didn't like them or they were too small.

I love the man but he can really piss me off sometimes.

If he would just think about what he's doing, and how arrogant and assholey(Def a word) he is being then he would figure out how much he hurt my feelings. Which he probably doesn't care anyways I mean I begged and begged and yet here I am alone in a decending elevator.

I walk out there door thinking of all the words I would love to call him and I make my way down the street. The building that the party is being held in is only a couple blocks down, perfect walking distance. Plus I need a walk to clear my head, after all I did walk out on Tony.

But he was being a asshole.

But I walked out on him.

But be hurt your feelings.

But I walked out on him.

I'm still technically the bad guy. I mean he didn't wanna come and he didn't give me a valid reason why, so we're both the bad guys. I hate being the bad sucks. I also hate being the one who's not wrong because I feel bad when I yell at him, because I'm right and he's wrong. The look in his face is like a sad cat when he realises that he is wrong. And No one likes sad cats.

I finnaly reach my destination and I walk in smoothing out my suit, making sure I look presentable. When I walk in a search the room for clint him being the only person I really know here. I see him sitting at a bar talking to some man who looks familiar.

I begin to make my way to him dodging the many people in my way, I'm pretty sure I elbowed a old lady in the face. She'll be fine.

I approach Clint and he looks at me with a big smile in his face. He points to the man sitting beside him before speaking.

"Steve meet bruce, you've probably seen him around the office." He says with such passion a blind man could see the love he has for him.

That's how I talked about Tony when I first met him. So boastful, just mentioning his name. People always said my eyes would shine brighter when he entered the room and I didn't even have to see him.

Me and Clint and bruce have a conversation about this and that untill someone calls Clint over. Bruce going with him I'm left alone at the bar with my phone.

"I'll have a martini dry." Says a women's voice.

I look over to see a beautiful blonde girl sitting next to me. Her hair is put into a beautiful messy bun with strands that cascade perfectly down her face. She has on a dark blue butterfly neckline dress. Paring nicely with the dark blue heels she on.

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