The Box In The Attic

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Summary- Steve is cleaning out his attic when he finds this box of glass balls, each having there own name on them. When he accidentally drops one and a boy appears.

Not normal Steve and Tony.

(Stutter tony, I had to)
Steve's  pov

I decide to turn the tv off and go to bed, seeing it's 2:30am and there's nothing on tv it's my best bet to go try and sleep. I havn't slept a lot in the past month, yeah I know that's bad but I just can't sleep. I have these dreams that I can't really consider nightmares because there's something different about them. There not scary there just way to realistic.

Each time it's  the same thing, the same person whom I've yet to figure out. Same scenario, same place, same time, same everything. And every time when I'm about to figure out who it is i wake up. All I know is it's a boy who has shaggy brown hair, and a small frame. He's always hiding, trying to get away from something. He's frightened of something or someone.

So I've decided to try and not to sleep, drinking coffee and any other form of energy drinks that I can find. I usually end up falling asleep for a couple hours and every single time I have that one dream.

Always the same.

As I get up and begin walking to my bedroom I pass my attic, well I can't really consider it my attic for the fact I've never been in there. You see I live in my grandma's old house. She passed away a few years back and I took the house. I've never thought about the Attic untill now. I probably need to clean it.

Might As well do it now I mean I have nothing else to do. At least  ittl keep me up and I won't have to sleep. I hate having that dream, i don't know why but it pains me to see the frightened boy. He seems so real, like I can reach out and just cradle him in my arms and tell him everythings ok.

But I can't do that, and it really hurts.

Making my decision, I open the Attic door and pull the ladder down. Nothing but dust comes out as expected. Now I'm not much of a cleaner, but now I'm not much of a sleeper so id rather do anything to not sleep, and if that's cleaning out a dusty old attic so be it.

I climb up into the Attic and search for a light, there's not one. So I come back down get a flash light and head back up into the Attic. I shine my light around and there's nothing there, nothing. Nothing but one box in the far Corner that I can hardly see.

I walk over to the box slowly, for the house being very old. The boards arnt very stable. I lean down and open the box, it's full of something wraped in bubble wrap. Confused i continue my expection and i come to see that there glass balls. They look almost like christmas ortiments, Each one has its on name on it. There's a paper folded up inside too. I pick it up and I can't believe my eyes.

On the paper is markings, names, if everyone I've met. But that's not what surprises me the most. The one at the bottom reads Steve. Steve Rogers. Me.

Next to it circled in green is the name Tony.

It sounds so familier, looks so so familiar but I can't picture where it could have came from.

I search thru the box untill I find it. A red and yellow glass ball with the name 'Tony' written on it in grey.

With all the questions in my head that I need answered,  I try to wrap up the one in my hand the one that reads tony, in a panic  I end up dropping it.

And as soon as it leaves my hand, my heart sinks a long with it. It's like time has slown down.

What's gonna happen?

My question is answered when the glass shatters leaving a cloud if dust that slowly dissipates. As the dust gets clearer, so does the object that it left behind. A boy, with shaggy brown hair.

"T-tony?" I ask and he looks up at me.

He has brown eyes and a small frame. He looks to be in his early twentys. He's looking at me in a confused state which soon turns to scared, he backs away slowly and I don't know what to do. It is untill then in realise, he's the boy from my dream. And he's frightened of me.

"No it's ok,  I'm not gonna hurt you." I say my tone kinda on edge, I've never once been good at comforting people.

"I-is your name Tony?" I ask and he nods a small but noticeable nod.

"Can you talk?" I ask and he smiles. Before standing up and walking closer.

"Y-yeah." Is all he says but it comes out hoarse, like he hasn't drank water in years.

"C-ca-can i-i ha-have" he takes a breath before speaking again. "S-so-some wa-water?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah of course you can come, follow me." I say reaching out for him to take my hand. He hesitates before taking it with red cheeks and a big smile on his face.

I lead him down into the kitchen, stopping to help him get out if the Attic. He looks at me with his big brown eyes before grabbing my hand and walking down the Attic steps.

I bring him into the kitchen where I let him have a seat at the bar. I realise he doesn't talk much when we stay in silence untill I hand him the water, the only thing breaking the silence is the water splashing the side of the glass.

Why won't he talk?

"So, Tony did you, where did you come from?" I ask him attempting to break the silence.

Needing to break the silence.

I need answers, and right now he's not giving them. He has to know where he came from, right? Because who just appears and then lives there life without talking, and the only time they do talk when they ask for water.

"I was i-in this p-pla-place ca-called, etamluos." He says and looks down when I make a confused face.

"I-im s-so-sorry I ca-cant. I'm so-sorry I can't, I st-stu-stutter. I'm s-sorry." He says frantically, turning red and looking away from me with sad eyes.

"No no, dollface it's ok. Your getting upset over nothing. Your just gonna make It worse, calm down take a deep breath and talk to me." I say trying my best to calm him down.

He's upset, he thought I was looking at him like I was because of his stutter! Honestly I find it adorable. It suits him, he looks so innocent and small, with his brown hair in his face from where he was freaking out. How his face turns red when I call him dollface, how he got embarrassed when I helped him to the kitchen.

Hes Just so, cute.

"My na-names, Tony. I-im y-your soul-soulmate. I'm so-sopo-soposed to be pe-perfect. I'm n-not." He says looking at me before looking down, "yo-you seem li-like you do-don' t be-beli-believe me."

I look at him, and he's still looking at the ground, i walk over to him and move his hair out of his face before smiling at him. A rose color appears on His face much like it did when I grabbed his hand, or when I called him dollface.

"I don't have to believe you for me to know your my soulmate. I had a feeling you was when I saw you in the attic." I tell him and he smiles before looking up at me with his big brown eyes.

"S-so you be-beli-believe me?" He says and I chuckle at his shyness.

"Of course."

"Th-then  wh-what are we go-gonna do?" He asks a tint of red
in his cheeks.

"We're gonna be soulmates." I state before grabbing his face gently and placing a small kiss on his cheek.

De end.

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