I love you

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Summary- Tony is being tony and he's having a horrible day, and Steve makes it all better.

Warning- possible smut.. self hate


Tony wakes up before Steve for the first time in a long time. He looks over at the shirtless man in envy.

How can he be so perfect, while I'm here looking like a whole troll?

Tony thinks before crawling over Steve and getting out of bed. Tony slept against the wall because he felt safe. Something about having a wall of flesh protecting one side and a wall of wood paneling protecting the other made him feel like no one could get him.

It kept the nightmares to a minimum too.

On days when Steve was gone Tony would basically build a fort around him self and clutch Steve's pillow until he fell alseep.

After endless sleeping pills, that didn't really work but, hey it's the thought that counts, and a couple meditation methods that he got from Bruce he would end up catching a few hours.

Mostly from just pure exhaustion.

He hated waking up before Steve, mostly because Steve always looked so perfect. He never had bags under his eyes and his short blonde hair was usually never messed up.

He looked like a princess.

Tony scoffed quietly as he took his gaze away from his shirtless boyfriend and made his way to the bathroom.

When he got there he locked the door and looked into the mirror with pure disgust written in his features.

He frowned at the bags under his eyes and his messy and greasy hair. He looked down at his own bare chest and grimaced at the scars that were placed there.

He pushed his messy hair back only to have it fall back in his face. He sighs before opening the medicine cabinet and grabbing the clippers.

He plugged them into the wall and right has he turned them on a knock sounded at the door.

"Tony!" Steve called before trying to turn the handle.

"Tony what are you doing?" Steve asked concern In his voice.

"Uh nothing." Tony said quickly putting the hair clippers back. And racing to unlock the door.

"Hey baby." He says after pulling the door open.

Steve looks down at him with a confused expression, before looking over tonys body. Tony knew he was only doing it to make sure he didn't hurt himself again.

"Don't lock the door." Steve says sternly before pushing past Tony to use the bathroom.

"I'm sorry." Tony says quietly before walking out of the bathroom.

"Hey!" Steve calls flushing the toliet.

Tony looks back with a expression only a scolded dog should wear.

"I love you." Steve says with a small smile.

"I love you too." Tony mumbles back.

He wasn't really in the mood for Steve to be more perfect. He's already perfect enough when he's asleep he doesn't have to rub it in when he's awake.

He was being a perfect boyfriend and he didn't even know it.

It annoyed the shit out of Tony. 

Tony walked out of his and Steve's shared bedroom and headed to the kitchen, Natasha was already awake and was making some eggs and toast.

"Hungry?" She asked already sitting a plate on front of Tony.

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