Stopped Loving You pt. 2

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Healing factor.

That's how no one knew, Steve healed very quickly. Usually it took a couple of hours before he was completely okay, all depending on the type of injury.

For instance, a gun shot, a few hours, maybe a day max. Gun shots wernt the worst.

A fall down a couple stories, hurt like hell, but he would be good after a few hours... he would be back to new.

But, a slap to the face, left more then physical injurys. A black eye, yeah it would heal, but the scar in his heart still remained.

No one knew...

"I told you Steve!" Tony yelled shoving the man agaisnt the wall, Steve could always fight back... but he wouldn't dare lay a hand in Tony in any way that wasn't gentle. "Don't call me that!" Tony sneered his hands still on Steve's shoulders.

Steve's mouth fell open, as he tried to think of an apology... He didn't mean to, it just slipped. "I'm sorry bab- Tony... I didn't mean to."

A slap. Those hurt, his cheek stung as he raised a hand to place on it, his natural cool skin felt nice agaisnt the burning flesh. He let out a sniffle but tried to cover it up as he rubbed his face, because...

"Oh, stop crying you big baby!" Tony yelled shoving Steve's shoulders agaisnt the wall again. Steve let him, didn't have much of a choice... He loved Tony to much to stop him.

Another tear rolled down his cheek, as he closed his eyes, his bottom lip quivering. He was trying not to cry, but it was getting harder to do, with every touch Tony left to his body.

He must of had a bad day at work...

Steve had his eyes closed untill he felt hands on his belt, working quickly to undo it. He snapped his eyes open, and pushed Tony away. Not hard, just enough so he could scramble away from the wall.

"Stop..." He says weakly buttoning his pants back and redoing his belt, Tony chuckled darkly and stepped forward causing Steve to step back.

"Awe baby," Tony's voice was sweet and soft as he stepped forward. It was a trick he was trying to trick Steve... "c'mon sweety, help me out, I've had a bad day." Tony coos reaching a hand out, trying to touch Steve.

Steve scrambled back almost falling over the coffee table, "No... no! I don't want to." He says shrinking in on himself, trying to disappear.

Tony frowned, which then turned into an angry look as he stomped forward, a hand around Steve's throat caused him to gasp, not in a good way either. "You're gonna get on your knees, and you're gonna su-"

He was cut off by Steve pushing him back again, but this time Steve headed for the doors, walking out with tears in his eyes he called out a weak, "I'm going to Buckys..." before he was gone.

Leaving Tony there, mad and hard.

Bucky knew, Steve told him. He always went to Buckys when tony got to touchy. He would take the hits, the kicks whatever, but he would never... ever let Tony touch him when he didn't want it.

He walked into Buckys apartment, crying. It was just a block away from his and Tony's place, so it didn't take him that long to get there.

He had a key so he just opened the door, he left his phone at home so he couldn't warn bucky beforehand. But somehow Bucky was waiting for him, as if he knew Steve was coming.

He wrapped his arms around Steve's waist trying to sooth him, "shh, Stevie... 's alright." He cooed rubbing his bestfriend back.

Steve was sobbing, hard, his whole body was shaking as he held onto Bucky for dear life. He was beyond hurt, and not just emotionally.

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