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Summary: Tony and Steve have a very healthy baby boy. They're the perfect parents living the perfect life with their perfect child. Untill things take a turn for the worse.

Warnings: mpreg... DO NOT READ THIS IF:

I went through this experience... and it was devastating. No the baby doesn't get beat... just, I don't wanna spoil it but you can probably guess...

I'm just trying to tell my story to you guys, because I've been thinking about it alot lately...

I know im gonna cry during this, cause i kinda already am... so if it's bad grammar or there's misspelled words I'm sorry.... but please don't read this if your sensitive to this kinda stuff...

joyceeewritessss11 bby, I'd advise you not to read this...

Time to blast mgk and write a sad ass story...


It all started on November 14th, 2017... a very healthy baby boy by the name, Peter Benjamin Stark-Rogers was born into the family of two males. Steven Grant Rogers, and billionaire Anthony Edward Stark.

Peter was perfect, had the prettiest blue eyes, weighed a whopping total of 7 pounds, 3 ounces, and was a whole 18 inches long.

He was so perfect, when he was born... even the nurses complemented him, and congratulated the male parents on making such a beautiful baby.

When tony first saw him, his tiny fists balled up next to his face, as he hummed and grunted... it was pure bliss. He knew instantly that he would do anything in the world for that baby. He would protect him without so much as a blink if an eye.

Steve loved Peter just as much and if not more... when he got the baby passed to him after Tony was done crying over how perfect he was. He took one look at him, and fell in love with those sparkling blue eyes.

Peter Instantly fell in love with his papa and dad, and his stuffed fox Moe. He took to tony a little bit more which was normal for babies. Tony was his source of food so of course he took a liking to the human buffet more.

It didn't bother Steve, not one bit, he still got his cuddle time with his son. Peter loved to cuddle. He loved to be close to his parents, resting right up agaisnt them.

His favorite thing to do was be lifted into the air, even as a small baby he loved when steve lifted him towards the sky.

As he got older, the preference got stronger, anytime he would fuss or cry, Steve or tony would lift him up and he would be fine, and start giggling away.

Their nickname for him was Goob, they loved their little Goob... how the nickname came about was beyond them. Tony just started calling him that one day and it stuck.

The more time went on the more perfect he got, before they knew it he was three months old and babling away at anything.

Steve could keep a conversation with him, peters end only being giggles and hums, but it satisfied him that steve was listening to him.

Moe became an absolute favorite, anytime the kid would cry in his crib, was usually becuase he had lost moe... and couldn't reach him anymore.

He did love cuddling, so they always left moe with him so he had something to cuddle when his parents were busy. They knew you wernt supposed to leave stuffed animals in the cribs with babies.

But both steve and tony knew moe was safe.

This is where it gets sad... I'm already crying just remembering what happened...

So, March rolled around. Peter was four months, healthy without a thing wrong. He was growing steadily and everything was fine.

Untill, the day came. No one expected it no one even thought about it.

Babies, are very good with their hands. It may suprise a lot of people but they are great with their hands. Moe.

Moe had button eyes.

Steve and tony didn't think about the eyes, which should of been the first thing they thought about.

But what baby knows how to pull eyes off of a fox?

Steve was heading towards the kitchen to cook breakfast at the time, Tony usually checked on Peter in the mornings becuase Steve got up with him at night.

When Steve bypassed the nursery something in him told him to go check on Peter.

It was like a voice screaming, "he's not ok! Go check on him!"

So Steve did, he walked into the nursery smiled at the fish that was bubbling away in the tank.

Peter loved the sound of running water.

Steve walked over to the crib, a smile on his face, which soon disappeared...

What he saw was every parents nightmare.

Peter, had moe grasped in his left hand, his right hand was Limp on top of his face. He was purple, his lips were blue and by the sight... He had been like that for a while.

"Tony!" Steve screeched out, his voice filled with tears, he was scared... He was sad... devastated you name it.

He picked up his son who was just limp in his arms. "Tony!" He cried again and soon Tony was running in there.

"What steve!? What's wrong?" He asked frantically hearing the emotion in his husband's voice.

"He's not..." Steve couldn't finish the sentence. He didn't wanna say it out loud because he didn't want it to be true. But he knew he had to tell Tony, which broke his heart even more.

"Tony hes not breathing." He croaks turning towards his now terrified and confused husband.

"Wh-what do you mean he's not breathing?" He squeaked walking over to them, Steve took a deep shakey breath as the tears ran down his face.

"He's... Tony he's."

He couldn't say it... not that. His son wasn't dead! He refused to believe it, refused to admit it... there was no way it could of happend...

He was to healthy, to perfect... He never got sick so how could he just... die!

Steve passed his lifeless son to his heartbroken husband, who had told Friday to call 911... He leaned agaisnt the crib as Tony cried into the limp body in his arms.

Steve rubbed his eyes trying to clear his mind a bit... trying to wake up from what ever horrible nightmare he was In. When he opened his eyes, he gasped.

He reached down, and picked up moe who now only had one eye.

Holy fuck that was hard to write...

R.i.P GooB.

November 14th, to march 21st...

Love you baby boy!!

Be Mine (stony one shots)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin