Just Hold me

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Summary- even the biggest badest people in the universe need to be held.

Steve and tony are not together

The first time it happened Tony was sitting alone in the couch in the commons area. He looked down at his trembling hands that longed to hold onto to someone, anyone. All he wanted was a friendly touch, someone to wrap their arms around him and just hold him. He wanted to wrap his arms around someone and cuddle with them.

He was alone, he had his friends and co workers yeah, but he was still alone. He had no one to come home to, he had no one to hug him when he really needed it, or when he didn't. He didn't have anyone.

Clint was the one who found him, it was late but Clint needed a snack and he knew the commons area had better ones then he did. So he made his way down to get a bag of chips and a couple peices of beef jerky.

When he walked in he saw a shadowed figure huddle up on the couch.  He forgot about the snacks and immediately went to see who was asleep on the couch at 2 in the morning.

"Hello?" He said in a confused tone, taking a step closer to the figure.

It was dark but the moon light was enough to make out the back of his head. He immmeditly knew it was tony, from the semi long curly brown locks of hair. Tony had his knees pulled to his chest trying his hardest to grasp onto himself. He was shaking and was in his own little world of loneliness.

"Tony?" Clint said putting a hand on Tony's left shoulder, "You ok?" He knew he wouldn't answer, he wasn't expecting one, it was tony he was trying to talk to.

"Tony what's wrong?" He asks generally concerned for his friend, Tony didn't say anything instead he turns to where he's facing Clint, he reached out like a little kid who wants to be picked up, and Clint cocks a brow.

"Ok..." Clint says sitting down beside the still trembling man and pulling him into his chest. Tony relaxes at the touch and after a minute stops shaking.

"Wanna talk about it?" Clint asks patting the billionaires back. He didn't say anything when tony didn't answer and instead pulled him closer.

He knew his friend was hurting, and what type of friend would he be if he didn't offer help. He had no idea how to help, all he knew was what he was doing was working so he let it happen. It was better then knowing Tony was upset and crying on the commons areas couch.

So Clint stayed there until it began to become daylight, he didn't sleep any, he just watched Tony's steady breathing. Tony fell asleep about an hour after Clint found him. He was so tired he could hardly keep his eyes open. Clint just let him sleep.

About 2 hours after it came daylight Clint heard the door open. He didn't bother to move and instead continues to rub the sleeping man's back.

A few seconds later bruce rounded the corner and stopped mid track. He cocked an eyebrow at Clint who was looking right back at him.

"He." Clint started but bruce shrugged and walked away, Clint was confused as to why he just left but didn't think much of it.

A few minutes later both wanda and Natasha walked in and either one of then said a thing. It was then Tony started to stir,  and once his brain registered that he was awake his eyes shot open and he sat up, knocking Clint in the chin in the process.

"Ow!" Was followed by "Where the fuck am i?" Followed by another "ow!" From clint.

"I found you in here and you wanted me to hold you." Clint says rubbing his chin from the philanthropist bumping into it.

"I WHAT?!?" Tony yelled standing up off the couch. "I WOULD NEVER!" He screamed walking towards the door.

He was crying, yeah he definitely was crying. He knew he wanted to be held, but fuck whoever thought he was gonna admit that.

"Tony calm down!" Clint called out but Tony was already at the door, he turned his head to yell back at Clint but was stoped by a huge wall of flesh, he fell to the ground with a thud.

His eyes shot up only to catch the eyes of a certain super soldier.

"I'm sorry tony, are you ok?" Steve said kneeling down on the ground.

Tony looked like a preschooler who just fell down on the play ground. He was still crying, not because it hurt, but because he was on the verge of a anxiety attack. His lip was puckered out and his hands on both sides oh him, holding himself up.

"Are you crying?" Steve asked gently, he scooped tony up and to his surprise he didn't protest.


"No, I'm just-im just." Tony began but Steve shushed him and made his way towards his bedroom.

"Tell me about it."

Steve hands him a cup of coffee and sits down in the chair opposite of the bed.

"I-i just, i just wanna." Tony took a deep breath before wiping his eyes again.

They were red and raw from all the wiping, he was embarrassed about crying in front of everyone so his face was red. He was shaking again and all he wanted was to be held.


"Just hold me." Tony blurted sending a pleading look Steve's way, "Please just....hold me."

Steve nodded standing up, he took Tony's coffee and placed it on the nightstand. He layed on the bed and motioned for Tony to join him.

Tony wanted to glare, he wanted to bitch at how perfect Steve was, but why do that when Steve was offering up his free time to hold a anexity filled little man.

Tony scooted up the bed and tucked himself into Steve's side, he layed his head in his chest, and listened to his steady heartbeat.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Steve asked and Tony huffed snuggling a bit closer to the super soldier.

"Its pretty embarrassing really." He told him and Steve just nodded laying a hand on Tony's head.

"Well you don't have to be embarrassed around us, we're your friends your problems are ours aswell." Steve said, he winced a little as Tony pulled away from him.

"I don't want just a friend steve." He said laying back down, he figured the more he could hold Steve the better.

"Well take me out to dinner and you'll have a boyfriend." Steve said with all seriousness, he looked down at tony and smiled at what he could see if his face. It was redder then a tomato.

"Deal." Tony said after a few minutes, Steve chuckled and kissed his head.

"Deal." He whispered back.


That was....bad.

That's it, thats all in gonna say....

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