You Can't Save Everyone

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I haven't written anything sad in a while, so here's another go at that...


It was a crisp Autumn day, the sky was a bright blue and so were Steve eyes that were currently fixated on the tv screen.

"Ya know, I've never really payed much attention to the Willy wonka movies.... But boy, its actually kinda creepy." he rambles to his husband, and pops a handful of popcorn in his mouth, "I mean, seriously-"

He was cut off by Tony snapping his hand shut like a mouth, "swallow..." he scolds, and would refuse to listen until Steve had all of his food down the hatch.

The last time Steve had choked on his Doritos, and spent a half an hour freaking out about almost dying... It was pretty hilarious, but Tony didn't want it to happen again.

Steve chewed quickly, then swallows with a smile before he started back on his rant, Tony listening to every word.

They laughed, they joked, they threw a couple of pieces of popcorn around... Good times.

The good times that would soon come to an end...


Steve looked around the rubble, he could hear the voice of a small child screaming out, begging for Captain America to save them.

But it was to late, Steve was searching the floors and once he came upon the room with the what looked to be 5 year old boy, he rushed to save the day... But it was two late. The floor from above caved and landed right on the poor kid, right in front of Steve's eyes.

"Nooo!!" he screamed running over and trying to dig through the rubble, he could hear Tony on the com's, telling him he needed to get out... But Steve wasn't listening he was still digging for the kid, the poor kid... The poor innocent little kid, he didn't ask for this!

"Noo! C'mon!!" he screamed throwing pieces of floor and wall.

"Steve! The buildings collapsing!" Tony yelled, Tony who was suddenly behind him pulling him away.

It was just then Steve realised he had been crying, begging god to let him save that little boy.

He finally collapsed in Tony's arms, and let him fly him out of the collapsing building.

It wasn't long until Tony had him back in the tower, wrapped up in a blanket and was trying to coax him down into a state, that wasn't him shaking and beating himself up.

Steve didn't talk much after that, no one was there when the little boy called his name, no one was there to see the look on his face... To see the fear when the boy realised he was going to die...

Steve was there, Steve saw everything... And it really fucked him up. It broke his heart, he wasn't prepared for that.

So he shut himself away, locked himself into the spare bedroom for a couple of days. Until he got the idea that he was going to pack his things, and get as far away from the tower as possible.

He didn't want to leave Tony, no that wasn't it at all, he loved Tony more then anything. But everything at that tower served as a reminder of the little boy.

The little boy that he didn't even know the name of, but wished he had learned... Wished he knew who the family was so he could leave his condolences... Tell them he's sorry for being a failure, sorry for not saving their son.

So, he packed his things while Tony was making dinner, it wasn't unusual for Steve to pack a bag when he went out... He usually carried around an extra set of clothes, water, and some high grade advanced pain pills.

So it wasn't that unusual.

He walked out, his hands holding his backpack straps. He walked towards the door, having to by pass the kitchen.

Tony looked up and smiled at Steve, then frowned when he saw the backpack.

"Where ya going?" he asks in the softest voices, one that made Steve's heart break and tears well in his eyes... He didn't want to do this to Tony.

"Out." he answers hoarsely, he clears his throat and looks down at the ground.

"When ya coming back?" Tony asks in the same tone, and Steve blinks a few tears out. They fall down his face and to the floor.

"I don't know..." he answers in a whisper, his voice to weak to raise any higher.

He figured Tony wouldn't know, but this was Tony Stark, he knew everything. Steve cleared his throat again and stepped towards the door, Tony was silent until his hand reached the doorknob.

"Steve..." he says softly, sitting his fork down he walks around the bar and over to his breaking husband, he gently grabs his wrist and brings it away from the door handle, he then reaches up to wipe the tears from Steve's cheeks.

"Stevie..." he whispers, and gently wraps his arms around the taller man, and Steve instantly melts.

"I'm sorry Tony... I just, I can't take it anymore i just want to go away and to never be seen again... I'm such a failure! To this whole entire crew, and to you..." he begins letting it all out, everything he had bottled up for those three days he spent locked away in the guest room... And Tony just held him through it.

He rubbed his back, kissed his cheek and just held him close.

Once Steve was done, Tony gave him and extra tight squeeze and pulled away.

"Steve, it wasn't your fault baby... It really wasn't, you can't beat yourself up over this, you can't save everyone." Tony tells him wiping away more of his tears before He cupped his face and got up on his tiptoes so he could press a sweet kiss to his lips.

"Please don't leave me over this, don't leave us Steve..." he mumbles, against his lips.

Steve just sniffled and hugged Tony again, "I'm sorry..." he whispers, deciding then and there that he would never leave.

He couldn't, he loved Tony to much, he had to stay for him.


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