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Let's give it a go, yeah?

"Hold me through the shakes darling,"


Steve's hand curled into a fist when Tony's slipped out of it, "wait!" He screams, and he could feel it deep in his chest, hoarse and loud, and just as strong as he could. He fell into a fit of coughs after, taking the same hand that Tony's hand been ripped out of and patting himself on the chest.

Tony's eyes were wide as the multiple soldiers drug him away, he counted at least three pairs of hands on his arms and body, dragging him away from Steve, away from the rest of the team. He looked around. Was Nat dead? She wasn't moving. Was that Clint or a dead soldier? Was Steve okay?

Their eyes locked when Steve screamed, and Tony started fighting then. Steve was bleeding, he was hurt. Tony's ears started ringing from the volume of Steve's scream. Or maybe it was from the multiple hits to the head.

"St-" Tony groaned in pain, his jaw ached and he could feel blood trickling down his chin. He couldn't talk, and that scared him just a bit.

He was pushed into the back of a van, and Steve -who was currently clutching his stomach and trying to crawl towards them- was taken out of view as a bag was shoved over his head. They were rougher then they needed to be, it wasn't like Tony was fighting them. He was complying. He barely had the energy to move, let alone struggle.

Steve tried with his damndest might to push himself to his feet, his arms shook and the tear on his abdomen oozed blood. He kicked the dirt, struggled until the van pulled away, spinning dirt and gravel over him. 

"Fuck you!" It was to loud for his head, and it made him cough again. He turned onto his back and pressed his left hand against his stomach. His hand shakes, and he hisses when it makes contact. He looks down and sees a piece of shrapnel, about an inch long sticking out. It was red, and Steve knew exactly where it came from.

He takes a few deep breaths, readying himself for the pain of pulling it out. The healing process would start faster that way. He grits his teeth and tugs, pulling it free and tossing it to the side before dropping his head back into the dirt.

"Nat?" He swallows, and clears his throat to try again. "Nat?"

Natasha didn't answer, but there was panicked breathing next to him. He looked up and saw Clint, when his eyes focused he noticed he was sitting beside Natasha, and she wasn't moving. "Clint?" He calls instead.

The archers eyes flick over, and he shakes his head, raising his hands that were covered in blood. Steve could see from there just how bad he was shaking. "There's a pulse." He hears him mumble.

He closes his eyes and sighs in relief. His heart was beating quickly, and he knew they all needed to get into medical.

A weapons deal had gone wrong. Tony was supposed to demonstrate the suit. But they had ambushed him instead, and luckily Jarvis had called for backup

When the team had arrived Tony was on the ground, with a group of men beating on him while the others tried to figure out how to get the suit to work. It of course wouldn't comply until the team arrived, and Steve told Jarvis to activate 'sentry mode' and the suit turned on the men.

Steve, Clint and Natasha rushed over just in time for a grenade to land on the suits feet, blowing it apart and sending shrapnel flying. Steve and Nat caught the most with Clint being behind them.

Steve fell close to Tony, clutching his stomach almost instantly, he was already surrounded in a puddle of blood when he felt Tony's hand in his. He opened his eyes just in time to see him get ripped away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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