I'm Done

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Summary- fighting is inevitable in any relationship, but sometimes fighting and arguing can lead to one leaving. But sometimes the unexpected happens.

Warnings- cussing, fighting.

Steve's Pov
I look over at the bedside clock and see it's 2 am. I lean up and rub my eyes trying my best to get the tired out of them. I reach over-already knowing he's not there- to feel for Tony. But he's gone and I know exactly where he's at too. The only reason I woke up was a bad dream I was having, but with him gone I don't have anyone to help me fall back to sleep.

So I pick my phone up, and I turn it on squinting from the brightness of the screen, I unlock it and I click the contact's button. I scroll down to Tony's name and I dial him up. It rings a couple of times before he picks up.

"Hey babe, shouldn't you be asleep?" He asks and I scoff at the irony.

"I had that dream again, tones come up and come to bed," I say and he sighs followed by silence and then metal on metal sound.

"Can't Stevie, m' working" he says and I sigh before yawning.

"But tones, I had the dream again," I say quietly and this time he scoffs at my excuse to get him away from his work.

"Steve it's just a dream we've been over this, he's not gonna hurt you," Tony says sounding to be bored with the conversation.

"Fine, I'll just go back to bed," I say before hanging up without even saying bye or love you. 

I know he's busy, I know he's more intrigued and interested in whatever he's working on. That's just Tony, but it's been three months, and during those threes months he's slept in the bed beside me four times. Four total times he's been up here with me. I ask him to come up, I get ignored. I ask him to stop working, I get Ignored.

I may be over reacting about this, you may think I'm crazy and controlling. But when you constantly have nightmares about your past, and the one thing that stops it, the one thing that makes it all better, the only thing that can fix it, decides that building a robot is more important; it kinda really sucks.

Ever since hydra, ever since Bucky, I can't sleep without the one thing in my life that I know is constant. The only thing I know that's not gonna leave me.

But cap that's not fair, it wasn't his fault.

It's wasn't his fault, its still not his fault, but who else do I have to blame? The nighmares, the constant anxiety. The same dream about losing him, a different way each time but I still lose him. I've still lost him, and now I'm slowly losing the one other thing I've ever loved in my life.

"Why can't he just love me?" I question outloud, startled by my own voice. It's like it was forced out, involuntary.

"Why can't he just sleep up here?" I ask outloud again, this time startled by the smooth electronic voice coming from no specific place.

"Is there something i can help you with sir?" Questions the AI system a hint of curiosity to his voice.

"Could you tell Tony to come up?" I ask running a rough hand through my hair.

"Seems, sir is already on his way." JARVIS responds, just after the door opens revealing Tony, with grease stains on his face and hair a mess.

He takes his black tank top off before throwing it into the chair that's In The corner, he walks over to the closet and pulls out a pair of sweats, and I large black t shirt.

I watch him as he changes walks over to the bed and turns the lamp off -that I always leave on- and crawls in bed. He looks at me for the first time before sighing.

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