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Niall's POV

My heat was hurting! My legs were numb! There was glass everywhere! I looked over to inaara and she was on her stomach! OMG! I think we had an accident and we overturned! Shit I need to get inaara out of here! I try and get myself out of the window, there was glass everywhere and it was hurting! I came out of the car, I began running to inaara's side, I slid down, why the hell didn't I tell her to wear her seat belt! I break the door and try pull her out of the car!

She was hurt, she had so many bruises! She was still unconscious! I try looking for help but there was no sign of anybody! She need the hospital, now! I forget about the knee injury I have and pick her up bridal style! And start walking towards the near hospital! Thank god it was right around the corner! I try calling her name but she does not respond! There was alot of blood everywhere! We reach the hospital and the nurses bring her a stretcher! They put take her from my arms and lay her on it! I walk beside the stretcher while its been taken inside and the nurses are doing all sort of things on her! I tell the nurse that she was having her contractions! She started making the announcement to call the doctor for an emergency!

Niall... Inaara's eyes opened, I was so happy to hear that come out of her mouth!

Yes! How do you feel? I am so sorry I was not concentrating on the road it is all my fault!
If they tell you to pick from the mother or the babies, you pick the babies okay..
Inaara stay string nothing will happen to you! It's going to be alright!
No promise me that first!
Niall please, I feel different, I can't move anything, I fell like I am dying
Please don't say that!
Promise me that please?
I stay quite! I don't know wat to say!

Niall promise me
I promise you that!
Look me in the eye and say that
I lift my gaze and tell her in the eye!

She smiles at me and closes her eyes and the next thing I know is her hand is sliding from mine,she lost her grip! Noooo! This can't be happening! This can't! She can't! Noo she would not! She would never! Please don't!

They talk her away into this room and the next thing in know again darkness overcomes me, this time in fall to the ground!

I open my eyes to see my self in a room, I was in the hospital,my head hurts, it fells so heavy! Shit inaara! Where is she! I look around the room and she is not there! So I remove all the pins and injections that put in me and get out of bed! I was wearing the hospital cloths! My knee was still hurting, I was limping! I get out of the room and I see them! All of them with their faces really sad! They were crying!

Liam where is inaara?
Niall! You are not supposed to be out here! I asked you a question liam! Where is she?
Niall let's go inside!
Come with me!
He took me across the hallway, and make me stand in front of a door,

She is inside!
I opened the door and there she was laying on her bed! I walk over to her and kiss her forehead! OMG the baby cradle was next to her bed! I walk to it and I see the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life! There were my babies! They looked so cute! I pick nash(naming the boy that) up and hold him in my arms! He was so cute and so small! He had my features! My nose, my mouth,my ears, maybe his eyes are on inaara! and then I see skylinn (that's wat I am naming the girl) I put nash down ans pick up skylinn, she was so cute, her face was so small, she had like mostly Inaara's features but ofcourse she had my Nose! She had my eyes! They were deep blue! They were beautiful! She looked beautiful! The babies were beautiful! I put skylinn down and walk over to inaara,I pick her hand up but then it falls back down! I pick her hand up again and it falls back down! I call for her name but she does not wake up,I shout her name but she does not wake up! I shake her shoulders!

I swear,inaara if you don't wake up! I will kill you! Inaara wake up!
Niall! Calm down!
How can I calm down liam! She is not waking up! Wake her up!
Inaara wake up see liam is here! Look the babies are here!
Niall control yourself!
Liam wats wrong with her?
Niall calm down!
Niall! Calm down!
Niall, the doctors could not save her!
When they were doing the operation, she slipped into coma!
She is in coma...... its all my fault!I should have taken care of here! I should have made her convince that we can't go! She should have listened to me! I should have not listened to her! And now I have lost her! It feels like someone broke my heart into a thousand tiny pieces! I break down!

Niall take a grip of yourself!
How can I?
You have to be strong niall! You have two babies behind you and inaara is not gone forever! You need to have hope that she would wake up! You need to count on that! You need to be strong, not for you but for your babies and for inaara! You need go take care of yourself!
But she is in coma! I will not listen to her laugh,cry and talk! I will not have anything to loom upto!
You do have something! Your babies! They will be your support! They will be there for you! But you need to be there for them!
I don't think I can do this without inaara! I need her!
She is right here! In your heart!She would never leave that place! Just close your eyes and think of her and she will be ther for you and you just need to have hope that she would wake up someday! And someday can even be tomorrow or now!

I dot know liam!
And don't forget you also have all of us! We are there for you! We will always be here for you!
Thanks liam!

Liam leaves the room to me and my kids and inaara! I don't know if I can do this without her! I don't know I can do anything without her! She was my life! And now it's taken away from me!
I don't think I can do this inaara! But you have to wake up! Not for me but also the babies! You have to wake up! Please inaara! I can't do this without you! But I promise you that u till you are not there, which will end soon, I will take care of you and the babies! I will be the best father in the world and the best boyfriend!
I still have not proposed to you and this might be the wrong time but I want to do it here! Will you, inaara future Mrs.horan, please agree to marry me?
And I am sure you will say yes! So here I slid this on your finger but make sure you always wear it!Don't leave it in the bathroom actually you can! Then I will know where it is and I can make you wear it again! That means I can propose to you all over again!
I am waiting for you inaara! You just need to open you eyes and I will be there! I think I will go mad! I am crying and talking to myself! I heard the baby give out a small sound! Don't worry daddy is not mad! He is just talking to mamma!
I love you inaara!

The babies make another sound!

Daddy loves you two babies!
I am waiting for you inaara! Waiting till my last breath!

I love you!!!

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