Back to school!

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We arrive back home in the morning. We took our luggage and trust me the while time and flight we were all not doing so well!

   We went to the long term parking and I found my car. We kept our luggage in and drove out of the airport. The whole way back, everybody was sleeping and I was driving watching the sun rise and think about what the boys would be doing right now?

  I drove everybody home and decided that we will meet up in school, coz there was only Saturday Sunday left then school starts. Well I did not think about school even once!

  I went home and i had a spare key , got in and straight went to bed coz the journey was tiring and we missed then alot.


I woke up, to find my sisters jumping around my room and yelling.

  "Wats up with u in the morning?"

  "Well, how was ur trip! Forget about that we want out presents!" Saima was quite excited.

  "Wat did u get for us?" Sarina followed her.

  Shit!! I didn't buy them anything, how can I forget that, maybe because I have a distraction the whole time.

  "Inaara!" Saima yelled.

I will give them some chocolates I bought and a dress of mine to saima. I hate this!

"Chill! Let me shower, brush and have breakfast! I will give u all something!" I told them.

  They listened to me! Well that was shocking! Maybe coz they can't wait for their gifts! Hahha!

  I got up and switched my phone on, it was dead so I had kept it on charge. I got like alot of messages! But I scrolled down to one persons message! Ofcourse niall!

  From sweetest man

  Gud morning love!!! How r u? Well hope u r fine and not missing me alot! I miss u like crazy! Especially in breakfast, you were not there to make me ur delicious pancakes! Will skype u later and text u! Going back to the UK! I love u alot and miss u!!! Bye! Sweet pie!!

  To sweetest man

Gud morning! Don't worry I will make u pancakes like alot of them when we meet, hoping that will be soon! For how long will u be in the UK! And don't miss me alot!! I'm doing fine but could be better! Can't wait for u skype call! Love u more and since when am I sweet pie! But I like it!! Bye! Love u!!

  I kept the phone down and jumped into the shower and then brushed my teeth. I got out and wore some shorts and a shirt. I went downstairs and got some breakfast and talked to my mom about the whole trip and when I told her that I'm dating The niall horan she was shocked!! She didn't believe me, so I showed her a picture of us and all the other boys and girls. Well u could say she did not still believe it!

  I gave saima and sarina their gifts! They know how to scream! If u watch the xfactor 2014, they r like the blond electrica!! I gave mum and dad some clothes I bought in the airport! Thank god they had shops in the airport!!

  The whole day and the next went into getting ready for school.

  In the evening on Saturday, Niall skype me.

We talked for about an hour until he had to board his plane. We talked about how my sisters were screaming and how I thank airports to have shops! He told me about their schedule, it was hectic for them! How can they manage it all! He told me about how the boys were missing their girls and how they talk about them everytime! It becomes a headache to listen to their talks!! They all promised to call their girls later!!

   I told niall I live him and miss him and he was like he misses him more and loves me more!! Niall then had to go to sleep because they have an to go for an interview in the morning and their schedule Is hectic. We said bye and blow flying kisses to each other and we both would pretend to catch them.

   I then went to have my dinner and sleep. Woke up and had a lazy day before school. Niall and me just texted coz he was busy and he could not skype me.

  I went to sleep early that day so I could be fresh for school. I woke up to the radio playing amnesia by 5 seconds of summer. Well it's the first day of school after so long! I don't want to go but I really want to see my friends in school and ofcourse the freshmans, it's fun knowing who join the school and their behaviour!

  I went and showered, brushed my teeth. Wore long black jeans and a top I got from my mum! Then sent in a gudmorning love message to niall!

  I went down had breakfast and said good bye to my mum and took my car keys and drove off. I stooped by Starbucks to get a coffee for me and pariza! I always get her a coffee coz she's always sleepy in the morning!

   I arrived school and parked my car in the usual spot. I got inside the building and went straight o my locker, where I found pariza and her sleepy head there! I handed her her coffee and yes!! I dint get anything in return! How mean!!!

  The bell rand indicating to go to our homerooms and also indicating that school had official began! Let the fun begin!!!



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