The family!

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Inaara's POV

We reached the station where the families will pick us up. Everybody had a family who greeted them.

  "Where's our family?" Penelope asked.

"I guess they r coming, maybe on their way!" Pariza told her.

  "I think they don't want us! It's good! I don't want them too! Wat if they turn out to be really bad?" Anika added.

  "Keep ur bad thoughts to urself, they might be coming!" Maleeha told her.

  Then they started to talk about the city, it's funny how they can fight in one minute and then be like nothing has happened in the next! Crazy girls!

  A black range rover, just like Harry's parked next to us. My heart started beating fast, maybe it's the boys! Maybe they r hear to give us a surprise! I wish it's them!

  A man in a hoodie can out. I could not see his face but he was like liam, I swear I'm not lying! He walked over to us and then he removed his hoodie!

  I was shocked to look at the face! It was not liam but someone else! Ahhh man! The guy was the son of the host family, we will be going into. The parents could not come because they had work.

  We keep the luggage in the back, ourselves! He did not even help! He just went and sat in the drivers seat! I'm gonna hate staying with him.

  We all then got inside the car and he drove us off to his family. We were heading out the crowd and the buildings. Then he pulled up in a big mansion! Damn it was big and beautiful!

  We got down and the servants got ur luggage for us! We stepped in the house and our jaw dropped literally! It was that amazing! More amazing then the apartment we had next to the boys!

  The parents were not at home so we were taken to our rooms and guess wat we all had a different room and all of them were marvellous! They had a television set and it was big and good!

   I think the parents are some prime ministers or something! We were told to freshen up and be down for dinner.

  I left my bag on the floor opened, and went to have a shower! The bathroom was beautiful! These people are damn rich! I don't think I wanna leave the bathroom! So I had the longest shower! I played around with the all types of things they had on the table and I looked at the lights!

  I finally decided to come out and get Ready! It's the first dinner with the host family so I decided to wear long skinny jeans and a nice long sleeve top saying NO. And it had some shoes and headphones and phones around it.

  I let my hair be down, and I did not want to apply makeup. So I took my phone and messaged niall

   To sweetest boy

  Hi! How r u? Well I'm in Paris and the family is filthy rich I think! We all got separate rooms and I'm missing u alot! How r the concert shows going on! And where r u now! I really miss u!!!! Wish we could see each other soon! Bye! I need to go for dinne! Love u xx

  I sent that. And went and knocked at pariza's room, she opened the door and well as I expected all the girls were already inside!

  "R we have a meeting!" I asked them.

  "Yaaa! The bathrooms and the bedrooms are amazing ! I don't feel like leavin!" Maleeha said .

  "Forget about that the whole mansion is amazing!" Anika added.

  "Hahah! Let's go down and have dinner or they might throw us out them u will not be able to see any of these!" Pariza told us.

   "Let's go!" Penelope said.

We went to the dinning room and found the parents there! We greeted them and talked to them! The parents are extra cute and amazing! They r really cool and good! Don't know how their son, well I found o his name he is called jack, well I don't know how he is so rude!

  The dinner was brilliant! We had A mille-feuille pastry, Choucroute garnie, tartiflette with ham. Yah! Even I could not pronounce the dishes names but when I tasted them it was fantastic!  Wow I never had food like this in my life!

  After dinner, I planned that maybe we could sneak out and go see paris at night, but the parents then offers us on of their cars with a driver ofcourse to go see pariza at night.

    We saw paris at night and it was mind blowing! We saw the Eiffel tower and the notre-dam. Wow!

  The hotels, people's houses, the street everything was beautiful. The driver then tool us to this famous ice cream parlour and he was like, the parents asked him to get us ice cream from there! It was a treat from them!

  When we got in and when u saw all the flavours and all the toppings, trust me when I say I was going mad! While I was just standing there looking at the flavours, well the rest were already getting the ice creams they wanted. So I rushed and got in line! I took chocolate,  strawberry and choco chip with toppings. It was heavy, I added chocolate syrup on top! I added all the other good things!

   The taste was gooooooddddd!! When the ice cream melted in my mouth, I felt like I was in heaven, it was cold and delicious, the chocolate flavor and then the choco chip and then alittle bit of strawberry and the best part, was the toppings and the syrup I kept! Wow just amazing! (Did I make all ur mouths water!! Comment if I did!! Haha)

  We had our ice cream and went back to the mansion. We said thanx alot to the parents, well the mum was called Sarah and the dad was called John.  We said thanx again to them and said gudnight! 

   I straight went into my room and fell asleep! We had a long day to Moore and the best thing is that I love the host family! They r amazing! Can't wait for tomorrow! We get to see the tourist attractions and have fun also!!


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