Need to win her back!

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Niall's POV

When we reached Sydney, the first thing I made liam do was call ashton and tell him about the dinner plan! I told him to book a fancy restaurant and also tell the girls and the stereo kicks boys to join us! I even had him tell Ashton about me and inaara and how important it was that inaara comes! And yah if she asked who will be there, tell her it's just 5sos, stereo kicks and the girls!

  After the airport, we went to the apartment, I wanted to bust through Inaara's apartment door and straight give her a hug! A big and long one! I could hear her shouting on top of her lungs for Nutella! Somebody please give her what she wants or I would have to come in! It's 6  in the evening and we got for dinner in an hour! I get inside the apartment and greet and say hi and hello to the 5sos lads! Well they are cool just gotta make sure that Ashton knows about me and inaara! Instead he is the one who cokes up to me and is like you got this man! But she is mad! I loved that dude but you could see, he was heartbroken, Ohh well that is wat you get for having a thing for MY girl!

  I was hungry,like alot! The plane food was not tasty! So I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge,I saw some leftover pizza and there was some juice, so I warmed the pizza and ate all of it,there was like half of the whole thing left and I had finished it and the juice was tasty, it was passion juice! Yummy! The boys were all talking and sitting on the couch and some on the floor, that's when I told them to get up and wear their tux so we can go! I shared a room with Ashton! I went into the bathroom first before even he got the chance to protest about it! I had like a quick shower, I wrapped the towel around my waist and got out, as soon as I got out Ashton went in, I removed my tux and wore it! I looked dashing! Now I can't wait to see inaara!

  I was the first one to get ready, the boys came out like 15 mins later, all looking quite good in their tux, I have absolutely no idea why we having a dinner but I really want to see inaara and it's like a good time for all of us to meet and all. As for anika she was staying with the girls, she gave them a suprise and said that she was the only one that came along! Me and louis headed for the restaurant, while the other boys were waiting for their girls so they could surprise them! Except zayn who decided to stay back and surprise his girl too! Crazy man!

  We had gotten a restaurant quite close to our house but not that close! It liked quite good from the outside and when I entered,I made sure everything was perfect, the flowers on the table and the lights alittle dim! Louis had gone to see the chef and see what he made for dinner, he had made some saladè, fish, potatoes, steak! This chef wants to kill me! Soon the boys and their girls arrived! Well the girls were not trilled to see me but at least they gave me a weak smile, which I think means that the boys told them about savannah and all the shit she did!

  Everybody was here except inaara and Ashton! Why the hell were they not here! I was sitting in a position where I could see the door and everyone that entered but so far no inaara!

And then she enters, well practically Ashton opens the door for her, her one hand was holding her waist and the other Ashton hand! Ashton had his one hand holding her hand and the other on her back! She looked so good, Ashton and her were laughing about something! She was looking so pretty that I think I might just faint here! She wore a yellow floor length dress with spaghetti sleeves v-neck dress! She looked like an angle from the sky! Her hair were done in like perfect surly and let Down and the only thing I wanted to do right now was get up and hug her and tell her how much I missed her! And love her! She still had not seen me, she was looking down on the floor and giggling about something with Ashton! It's hurts to see her so happy and how much pain have I cost her!

  And then she lifted her gaze from the floor and her eyes met mine! I kissed looking into her eyes! The way just her eyes me me calm down! We were looking at each other, I slowly stood from the chair, inaara was in an utter shock,she didn't say or do anything! I started making my way toward her, that's when she said to Ashton

  I don't want to stay here! Let go!
  But inaara! Ashton said.

  Let's go please!

I dint like the fact that she wants to go away from me, it is my fault! Stupid me!But listening to her melodious voice after so long! It was peaceful! She was already Turing and walked out of the door! I followed them and she had stopped right next to the car, Ashton was behind her, inaara could not see him,only of she would turn then she could see him, I slowly walked up to Ashton and gestured for him to go inside.

   Why the hell does he have to be here? She says. After what he has done! It's been months and now is the time when he decided to show up!
   It hurt hear inaara say all this but it was all true! It's all my fault! Inaara holds her hand out and I grab it! She still does not know that it's me! She thinks it's Ashton! I hold her carefully and she starts walking toward the car!

  Ash.. Niall
  She turned, her eyes were watery, she wanted to cry!

  Wat the hell are you doing here! I don't want to see you! Who the hell do you think you are coming here like that! You think showing up here will make everything normal! Then you are wrong! You are always wrong! You don't know how it feels to see someone you love betray you! You forgot me! And now is the time you remember me!

  She was angry, shouting at me! She need to calm down, she was panting!
  Just shut up okay!

  Ahhhhhh! She starts screaming and graining  in pain! She was going her baby bump and screaming in pain!

  Inaara wats wrong! Do you need help!
  No leave me I am fine!
  Look inaara you are not so tell me what happened!
  The babies kicked!
  I want Ashton now!
  Ashton! She shouts and the next thing you know is that he is coming out of the restaurant and running towards inaara!

   Niall leave me alone!

I finally leave inaara and Ashton alone, I start walking toward the door when i hear inaara start to cry on Ashton's shoulder, he soothes her and when she is finally calm ashton asks her why is she crying and

       I thought I was finally getting over him, I was wrong soo wrong! No matter what I do I won't get over him! At first he was just a celebrity crush but who knew that going to that concert in South Africa would've made him the love of my life and the father of my children

After hearing that a tear falls done my cheek and I realise that I have ducked up big time and need to get her back! I need to apologise and and win her back! Like soon! I can't stay without her anymore!

  I need her!

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