The neighbours!!

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Well, I woke up to see everybody, and by that mean everybody in the apartment staring down at me! Everybody had wierd faces on and I had no idea why!

"Well gudmorning too u guys too! Y u all staring at me like that!" Yashir spoke up, " u okay right inaara? Do u have fever in ur brain or did u have something wrong last night? No seriously wat did u have or u sick?"

"I'm not sick and I did not have anything last night that was not eat able!"

Maleeha said," well u were all giggly and all weird in ur sleep! U were smiling and laughing! Wat is wrong with u?"

" U serious about that?"

"Yes inaara then y would we be standing here looking at you like u were mad?" Anika was practically scolding me.

"Nothing happened to me! Well maybe jack frost decided to give me a good dream! U can't blame him!!"

"Now I seriously think something is wrong with you!" Pariza told me. They all went back to have their breakfast leaving me on the couch. " u know one direction are our neighbours!!!" I practically shouted that out!

"Yah and I'm dating zayn and he is in the bedroom!" Anika said. Pariza was like,"and I live in justin bieber's house!"

"I am serious u guys! I swear! I'm not joking!" " yah yah we believe u!" Everybody Said in sync. Ahh! I hate this! When I'm not serious they take me seriously and when I'm serious they don't take me seriously!

I showered and sat for breakfast and the others were still having breakfast! God they are slow!! They all were having eggs, Yuck! I hate eggs!! So I decided to have cereal itself since I hate milk also!!!

So today's plan was sight seeing!! I love it! Well i Looked my best. Maleeha,pariza and anika were not even trying to look great coz they were already gorgeous! And yashir being himself was looking absolutely breathtaking!

As soon as we all got out of the apartment, the neighbours came out also!! Maleeha saw them and she was screaming on top of her lungs! Yashir was shocked but got over it and was looking at maleeha like she was mad! Anika was well, looking at zayn and pariza being herself, was shocked, literally shocked!!

"I told u so!!!" I screamed that out and well everybody's little session was done and everybody even the boys were looking at me like I had lost it! I saw Naill looking at me and I said, "Hi!" And flashed the biggest smile I had in me! And he replied back with a "Hi!" And the cute and most adorable smile I had ever seen in my life!!

Well the girls and yashir introduced themselves. I was looking at niall and he was looking at me! From the corner of my eye I saw anika blushing like a tomato and the tomato was extra red! Poor her!! Maleeha was already trying to get their autographs! Hahhaha! That girl!! And pariza was talking with Liam bout something, could not really catch wat they were talking bout since niall started to walk towards me!!

Yashir was no longer in the mood of going out so he went back in! Poor him! Who would want to stay with 4 fangirls!!

Niall stood right beside me and greeted me with a good morning! How r u? And Thanx for the pancakes!! They were awesome!

"Gudmorning to u too niall and it's no biggie!" We walked over to the boys and girls. Who were talking alot! Especially maleeha! I never knew she would be able to talk to one direction!

"And you are love?" Liam asked me. " I'm inaara!". " nice to meet you inaara" louis telling me.

"Guys, this is inaara and she is a food saver! She made me pancakes at 4 in the morning!!"

"OMG those were ur pancakes they were absolutely brilliant! Better than harrys" Louis said. "I never agree with louis but yah they were amazing!" Harry added. "You have some explaining to do food saver!" The girls told me. "Later!" Mouthed them.

Liam then asked pariza, "where r u guys going?" " We r going for sight seeing!" Pariza told liam. " We too are going for sight seeing, we should together! Wat do u think bout that lads?" Niall speaking. "I think we should go together after all why leave the pretty ladies behind! I think we will have fun!!"

All the girls practically just agreed to that! well I was glad they said yes! I get to send more time with niall!! Doing the happy dance in my head!!!

An event that changed my whole life!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum