2 months later!

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Wow! It's been 2 months since we saw one direction and since I saw my boyfriend! When we came back and went to school for all these two months, life has just been life! So many ups and downs.

Pariza, maleeha, anika and me, we all r finishing our second last year of school. We still have one more!

School has just been itself. Some bitches here and there, some rumors, and the only thing I care bout it the up side of school. To have my best friends together.

So when we came back to school, well we had a new student join us in almost all my classes. Her name was Panelope Cullen. That was one heck of a name. I thought she was all smart and all and well she is smart!

So the school organised a France trip in a week, we go there for 2 weeks and see all the good things and all.

You must be wondering wat happens about the boys! Well let me tell u! Pariza and casey are literally in love. They send each other texts and skype all the time. They are like this cute couple but away from one another because of an evil witch.

Maleeha and liam are taking things really slow. They talk a couple of times but trust me when I say they more than like each other. Maleeha is a kind of insecure person so she wants to take things slow.

Anika and zayn, well they r like small kids but in love. They call each other names and when u look at anika skype or text zayn, her face tells it all about how much she loves zayn.

Well niall and me! Things changed between us, we didn't remain the same, before there was love between us but now, it's different! We r truly and utterly mad in love and well crazy!! We talk about not that much because of his busy schedule and my exams were near. But we still loved each other!

I actually thought that the boys will forget us and in like a week time some of them will be seen with different girls but it was different. It's true management, did alot of things but they would tell us and make sure nothing went wrong!

So about the France trip I was telling u about! We will be going to paris! It was from the 27 June to the 7 July. It was after the exams, I wanted to go to Paris. So I signed up and well all my other friends did too. We'll the new girl penelope, she had been real close to me! She was like my other best friend, we were like very alike the only difference was that the way i like one direction,she like the twilight series.

So It was 5 of us going to paris. As soon as I registered for the trip, I told niall about it and thought well maybe he will come and there and we could meet each other but it was the opposite when I told him that me and the girls will be coming, he told me that they could not make it because they have to perform and the time we will be in Paris they will be in Finland and then they will fly to the US.

Well I was heartbroken and devastated! That was the chance to meet the boys and we can't even do that! Well this will suck!

When I told the girls that the boys can't make it to France, they were not feeling good about it! But then I told them hey we r going to France, Paris is amazing! We will enjoy chill and when the time comes we will see the boys! I know u all miss then so much!

We were excited for the trip but not that much! When we go for the trip, we will be staying with host families, and we will stay with them for 2 weeks! This will be fun, staying with people you don't know for 2 weeks!

The worst part was that we could only be 2 or 3 in a family. So we have to separate, but then there was this big family which said thst they could that in 5 girls, so we were lucky enough to get them. Thank god! We will not be in separate houses.

On the 27th June, we got picked up from school to be taken to the airport! I was kinda excited and so where the girls! I just want tot make the most out of this trip! We all had to wear the school short and then we could either wear jeans or shirt, we all choose to wear jeans.

We boarded the plane. I sat in between penelope and anika and then behind us maleeha and pariza sat. There was a stop in the middle, we would land in dubai airport first then have a connection to paris.

The whole way except the stop in dubai, everybody was sleeping, how Could they sleep, I was watching movies and ofcourse taking embarrassing pictures of the rest!

We landed in Paris, the view I tried getting for the plane was amazing! If penelope and anika were not disturbing me by holding my hand damn tight coz they thought the plane would fall, I would see the view of Paris. I swear I'm never sitting with them again! Ever!

We landed and we were accompanied with 3 teachers, we got out the place and then there was a coach outside waiting for us, it took us from the airport to our station where the we will meet our families and go home with them.

The city Is utterly beautiful. And it's damn clean and just wow! I saw the Eiffel tower and the shops and alot of other nice things. Well I could say I didn't regret being here! I want to enjoy this time of my life here in Paris!

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