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Inaara's POV

I have never seen my parents like this before! Especially my dad, you could see his whole face becaming red because of anger. He walked straight to me and did something he has never done to me in my entire life, he slapped me across my face. It hurt alot. As soon as my dad slapped me, my mom quickly came beside my dad and tired to calm him down.

I felt someone's grip get tighter around my arm. It was niall, you could see the angry on his face, he was also pissed, he looked at me and u could see that his face was red, he is protective of me. I felt something warm go down my cheek, i was crying, he wiped the tear away from my cheek and I think he then lost it, he was going to rebuke my dad but I stopped him.

The girls and boys were all worried, poor them they did not even get to say hi to each other properly, Anika saw the tension in the room and even maybe saw niall about to express his anger. She convinced all the others to go upstairs to my room and to leave my and my parents alone. The others quickly agreed to it but niall took some more explaining but he eventually went up, leaving me and my parents alone.

Anika's POV

Damn! Inaara's parents got to know, it is not good! Inaara's dad walked straight to her and slapped her across the face. I saw the tension build up in the room. Inaara started crying and niall was about to rebuke Inaara's father. The other boys were also getting angry, u could see them want to do something but holding it in. The girls were all worried, you could see the tension and the anger on their faces.

So I decided that we should leave inaara and her parents to talk. I convinced the boys and the girls and they went up straight away but niall, he did not want to go but eventually when inaara looked at him he came up. We went up and the girls were all worried, they sat in one corner of the room, they were bitting their nails and the boys, they were trying to calm niall down, he was facing back and forth of the room. I don't know what's going down there but I don't have a good feeling about it. Inaara then comes up after 25 minutes.

Niall's POV

Inaara's father's face was red, I swear if he does something to her, I'll break his bones. He walks straight to her and then slaps her across the face. I became so angry, I look at inaara and she is crying, that's it! I am gonna kill him, bloody bastard! I was going to say sonething and inaara stopped me, and then I had to go upstairs and leave her alone with her parents, how the hell am I supposed to go upstairs and let her down her with her father who just slapped her, god knows what more he will do and the mother, she is not even stopping her husband!

Inaara gestures me that it's okay! How can she be okay! But I had to go upstairs. The moment I step into the room , I start pacing back and forth, the boys are trying to calm me down.

"Niall, look calm down! It's going to be okay!" They all looked worried but right now I didn't care!

"How can I fucking calm down! He fucking slapped her and I was standing there like a bloody cunt!"

Everybody was worried but I am more worried about inaara, what are they doing to her downstairs, I swear if I get to know that they hit her or something I am gonna kill them myself!

Finally the door opens and inaara runs into my arms, she was crying. When I hugged her, I calmed down automatically. "Inaara, what happened down there?" She does not reply but just continues to sob. I Stroke her back, then after some minute she finally speaks

"I want some pri-vacy" She was still crying.

"We will be at the grill." Anika said.

"No! I just want to be with the girls for some time!"

"Okay! We will go! Come on niall!" Liam said.

What did the parents do to her that she does not want to tell me, we walk down and see her mom crying and the dad, he was watching the tele! How the fuck can he watch that thing right now! I wanna beat him. I was walking toward him and then the boys just pulled me out of the house!

"Niall, leave him!" Zayn says.

"Leave him? He bloody was watching the tele after god knows what he said to inaara the she can't tell me!"

"Give inaara some time and she will tell u!" Harry said.

We then make our way to the grill some blocks away from Inaara's house. I wonder what's going on in the room.

Inaara's POV

I was crying my eyes out, my mum sitting beside me was rubbing my back.

"I'm very disappointed in you hun! I did not expect this from you!" My mum broke the silence of me crying.

"I am so sorry mum, I didn't plan this! I am really sorry!" I say in between sobs.

"Abort it!" My father blurbs that out.

My mum and I stare at him in shock!

"Wha-t!" I say with some courage I gained from somewhere.

"Abort that thing!" My father repeats.

I loose it, I can't that more of his nonsense anymore, well u can blame the hormones!

"I'm sorry WHAT! you just called MY child a thing dad! There is no way in hell I am aborting MY CHILD!" I snap at him.

I look at my mum for some help but she is quite, she is complete and utter shock!

"Watch your tongue young lady.... imagine wat will the society do to you! This is no America, where getting pregnant in a young age is okay! It is not and this is mine house! I'm the one who gives orders, if u don't want to listen to me, then the door is open for u! Get out and never show us your face!" My dad says.

"Are you seriously making me choice from my family and my unborn child?"

"Yes!"He says.

"Okay! Give me a few hours to pack, I will leave this house!" I say shocking both my parents and me.
End of Flashback

I was still crying, the girls started crying also.

"What the fuck! Is wrong with your dad!" Penelope said.

"What the hell is wrong with her mum, she did not even support her!or even try to stop her father!" Pariza says.

"You know what, I don't think you need parents who don't respect you and care about what the society wants not you!" Maleeha adds.

"And plus, you have all of us and the boys and most importantly you have niall, there right beside you to support you!" Anika said.

"Thank you guys for being there!" We all came in for a group hug,I love them!

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