I love them!!

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  So we got inside the stadium and it was huge! We got front row tickets, so we had to make our way all to the front! There were people everywhere! Girls screaming on top of their lungs and even some boys!! Almost everybody had a poster in their hand, even my own friends! How mean of them, they did not even tell me to make one!

    So it was 15 mins before the show started and trust me I was all nervous!! Pariza, maleeha and anika, got their cameras ready and phones!! The count down began and the less the number went my heart was beating super fast and I was nervous as hell! I am sure I was not nervous like this even in a exam I did not study for!!

    5 4 3 2 1...... The stage went black and 5 spot lights revealing 5 boys.

The moment I say niall, I think he caught me looking at him, it was like it was just me and him in the whole stadium and I felt like I could drop dead any moment!

    Good evening Cape Town!  How r u all doing today! The crowd went wild We r all doing fine today and we all are excited to perform for you! So niall, zayn , liam, louis should we let austin take the stage and then the stereo kicks! The crowd went wild again oh yes! We have stereo kicks here today with us!! We will let u enjoy their show before we perform for you!!

    The stage went all black again and trust me we all were shouting on top of our lungs right now! We then heard austin start singing Mum Yeah and we all saw him it was amazing! He looked great in person!

    The crowd went wild when he finished the song! Hello Cape Town! Thank you for all the support u guys!! Had an amazing year and hoping for a better one again! So I present to you a new boyband! It was just on xfactor and it's amazing give it up for stereo kicks!!

The crowd went wild again as soon as the stage went all black again and out coming stereo kicks!! I loved jake sims!! He is has something special in him!!

   Out came stereo kicks and god they were all amazing! They were like a bowl of delights but marshmallow only!!

  They sang roar and god it was better than the original piece! I loved how all of them looked! From the corner of my eye I saw pariza blushing as hell!

   Thank u all! Wow we are new but to all this but we feel like we can do this for the rest of our lives thank u so muchh love u alll!! Now we will give the stage back to one direction, they have been eating our heads and telling us to make it fast! They are impatient!! Bye everybody!!

   Then the moment we all were waiting for! One direction! Now even I was screaming on top of my lungs!!

   They started singing steal my girl and god it was amazing listening to them! Then they Sang fireproof and the best part was when they sang little things!

   I could listen to that song for the rest of my life! They started singing it and everybody had their phones out and waving them in the air!!

   It was niall' s part and it felt like an angel from heaven was here on earth right in front of me ! And the best part it was singing and his voice was truly amazing!

   I think I fell in love again and again during that time! In a particular time niall saw me waving at them and he looked at me and I think I almost fell to the ground!! But thank god I did not!

    The concert was over! Ahhhh! Could it plz start again! I think maleeha and anika lost their voice coz they were practically screaming and singing! I actually thought the boys will appear from no where and we will have a chat and became friends but I did not see the boys again!!

     We went back to the car and drove all the way back and kept on talking bout how the boys were and all the things they did on stage!

  "so pariza, y were u blushing when the band stereo kicks was performing! Come on tell me!"I practically nagged her about it! "Uhmm nothing! Just that!! Casey noticed me!!"

"Wow!! Haha niall noticed me too!" I think she likes casey! I don't blame her, he Is hot!

    We got to the hotel and we were all so tired that we decided to stay in the hotel! We ordered food from the hotel. The manager told us," you have a guest waiting for u in your room! He seemed very nice!"

  Wat the hell!! Who can it be? As soon as we reached the floor, we all went straight to the apartment and the door was slightly open and guess who was there waiting for us? On the white couch! God he gets everywhere! Well it's not his fault! Girls literally drool over him, he had the looks! And he got the abs. So back to the point! It was non other than..... wait for it .... Yashir. . pariza's other brother! I like matt more than him!!

So as usual we said our Hi and I asked him y on earth he was here! And all he did was smirk at me and go sleep in my bedroom! Wat the hell! The first thing wat was up with pariza's brothers and smirking and the second thing now I have to sleep on the couch! Great!

    We had our dinner and everybody went to sleep!! Me sleeping on the couch! Well it was comfortable!! I love it !! I woke up due to the noise again! I will literally kill the boys who live next door! Ahhhh! I thought of going to tell them but the noise stopped so I guessed they also fell asleep!!

     Gudnight !!!

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