The talk!

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Niall's POV

So the girls had to go alone back to the apartment! I wanted to be with inaara! The management called us up, they wanted to talk to us! I hate them sometimes really!

So it was nothing serious with the management, they just need us to stay longer in cape town! We have two more shows to go! Performing for the fans is absolutely brilliant! Great feeling!

We reached the hotel, straight went up to the apartment and all the lads collapsed either on the floor or the couch!



I woke having a sore back! Never sleeping on the floor again! I saw the time and it was already 4 in the evening! I thought I woke up late but all the boys were sleeping except harry. I went into the kitchen coz I smelled bacon and eggs, I saw harry making breakfast so I served myself. It was tasty! Harry always being a great cook! Don't forget inaara too!!


Harry's POV

I saw niall come into the kitchen and serve himself with breakfast! He was in a good mood! Let me tease him, he likes inaara alot! I want to see how much!!!

"So niall you know inaara right?" I could see him blush hard already!

"Ya! Wat about her?"

"I kinda like her! Alot!" Wow as soon as I said that he became red and furious!


Well i did not expect him to day that! He became super red and pushed his plate away! Ohh I was in trouble he never says no to food! Instead he got out and walked right out of the apartment!!

Shit! Stupid me!

I ran after him to ask him Wat was wrong, he just looked at me. His eyes were filled with hurt and pain, full of emotions I could not understand! I felt bad for him and went to talk to Inaara, I thought she would lighten his mood.

I went to inaara's apartment, knocked on her door and knew that she would help him coz I saw it in her eyes everytime she looked at Niall.

"Hi! Inaara how r u doing! Niall just stormed out and he look hurt!"

"Why was he hurt? Is he okay!"

"well, I thought of disturbing him and I said that I like u alot , I thought he would shout at me and all that but he just walked away and when I followed him and asked him wats wrong? I saw his eyes and they were full of emotions!! Plz go after him?"

"So u like me?"

"No! I like u but as a friend but I think niall really likes u!"

"Chilll! I don't like u, I like him ofcourse! Where did he go!"

" He went to the beach side I'm not sure"

"Fine I will go after him but u own me big time buddy!"

"Ya okay! Go after him first!"

I saw inaara get inside the elevator and in a few minutes out of the hotel. Now his mood will be okay since inaara will be there! The two like each other and yet have not told each other. If they don't come back as boyfriend girlfriend, I swear I'm gonna get them married and then they have no way out!!!



Inaara's POV

I knew niall liked me but I didn't know he likes me alot! Well now I'm sure that we both like each other!

I searched for him in the near by park, but I did not see him there. I went on and found this small hotel, I went inside but did not find him there. So I walked to the beach maybe he would be there.

I did find him there, he was siting on the edge of the cliff. I walked straight upto him. I stopped a few metres behind him, he looked so good just sitting there and watch the sun set.

I went and sat right beside him. Kept my head on his shoulders and intertwined our fingers. I like this!



Niall's POV

I did not like it when harry said that he likes inaara too. Could he not see it that I liked her much more than him! I walked straight out the hotel and reached the beach. I saw a cliff and went to sit on the edge of it.

Then I saw inaara sit right next to me, she kept her head on my shoulders and we intertwined our fingers. Harry must have told her everything!

We sat there in silence watching the sun set in front of our eyes! I wanted to tel her that I really like her! But is this the right time? Wat if she doesn't like me back! I have to get my guts together and asked her!

"Inaara, so Uhmm who do u like?" Wat the hell niall tell her U like her.

"This boy, his very sweet and amazing, his voice is like an angels and he is the most amazing person I have ever met!"

"So where is this boy u like?" I so hope it's me

"Well right now he is somewhere watching the sun set maybe!"

I have to tell her now!

"Inaara, since the first day I laid my eyes on u, I can't stop thinking bout u! You r so amazing, your like this dream girl of mine but in reality and I really really like u!"

There I said it!!!!

"Niall, I am so sorry to say this but .......... I really ......... like!"

"Inaara plz cut the suspense, plz tell me who u like, it's k if u don't like me back!"

"Niall I'm not crazy to go like someone else if u r there right beside me! I like u too niall alot!!"


I hugged her so tight!!

"As much as I'm loving this niall really but u r killing me! U don't want me to die now do u?"

"Ofcourse not! I'm just happy to know that u like me toooo!!!!!"

I felt like I was on cloud 9, I felt great.

I put my arms around her and we watched the sun set! This was just amazing! I really like her and she likes me too and wow I'm just happy right now!!!

We walked back to the hotel, it was really dark. When we got inside the hotel, we went to our floor and as soon as the elevators opened, we saw harry pacing back and forth!

I looked at Inaara, she looked back at me. And in that few minutes before being noticed by harry we made a plan!

   This would be great!

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