I still hate u!

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So my exams r finally over! And now I can finish writing this book! Well i really need ur votes and also I really need all of u to plz comment and tell me how did u find the book till now!
  Wow! I have like 2000 reads! Thank u

Inaara's POV

  Having niall walk away from me like that, felt something of mine is being taken away for me and I am right he did walk away for me but he also took my heart away with him! The only think in my head right now is i wanted him around me and I wanted to be able to talk to him like before!

  I got up and walked out of the room. I searched the entire apartment and niall was no where to be seen! I hated this so I went back into the room, took all my belongings and then headed back to Sarah's house.

  I was waiting for the door to be opened for me and great! Just the person I wanted to see! Jack!

"Look inaara, i can explain!"

"You can explain! Coz of u I lost something! Niall does not trust me! He does not want to talk to me and u say that u can explain!"

   I walked right pass him and went into my room. I closed the door and my feet made their way to the bed where again I started crying! I spent almost I think an hour crying! My eyes were all red and puffy! That's when I heard a knock. "Go away!"

"Inaara open up its me pariza!"

  I went and opened the door for her and as she landed her eyes on me she hugged me! I guess she knows how I feel!  "Inaara wat the hell r u doing with yourself! U can't be up here crying for an entire day! U need to go out there and make niall understand!"

  "He will never listen to me! And I have only been in her for an hour!"

"An hour! It's almost 10 at night right now! U need to get out of the room and talk to niall!"

  "He will never listen to me!He thinks I cheated on him with jack! I didn't! Jack is the one who kissed me and I pulled away quickly!"

  "U need to get ready and freshen up and I'll be right back!"

  With that she went away! I don't know wat she went to do but I need to at least wash my face! I went into the bathroom and decided that I need a bath, so i had a shower and I got changed into a checkers dress and I wore a cardigan on top! I put my hair in a pony and went out of the room but then pariza came back!

  "I talked to jack and well scolded him and also beat him up alittle! He went to find niall and explain to him that it was his fault and not urs! And u need to go to Niall's apartment!"

  "Niall will not want to see my face! I messed up and I don't know if he will forgive me!"

  "Just go to his apartment and make him understand! I know u can do it!"

  She gave me a pat in the shoulder and literally threw me out of the house! I walked over to the car and drove it out of Sarah's house and over to Niall's apartment. I saw Niall's car packed in the basement, i was getting nervous! I wanted niall to believe me and I wanted him to forgive me!

  I stood in front of Niall's house! This is it! I need to go there and make niall believe that he need to trust me and the I am right!

I stood there waiting for niall to open the door for me. I knew where he kept his spare keys but I did not want to use them. He finally opened the door for me, he was wearing some safari shorts and a shirt. His hair was a mess bit they surprisingly looked good!

  "Hey! Niall!"

  "Hi" He then left the door open and went inside.

"Niall, it was not my fault, I never knew that he would kiss me, I pulled away right away, I love only u and u need to believe me! I swear if u want me never to talk to anyone I will! Plz just listen to me!" This moment I broke down. I really wanted him to believe me. I fell to the floor and my hand were on my face and I was crying! Then I felt his arms around me. He sat behind me and was hugging me.

"Its okay! I forgive u, jack told me about it, it was his fault! I believe u but plz don't cry, if u do cry then I'll start crying and we don't want to be in a pool of my tears, do you?"

  "No! I am so sorry, I will never do anything like that!"

  "It's okay! U can do something like that but only with me!" I was not facing him but I could feel him smirking!

  He got up and helped me up. "Come on, let's forget about all of this and I made dinner!"

  "I love u ni!"

"I still hate u!"

I playfully hit him. "I love u!" U could hear his thick irish accent behind his love. I gave him on last big hug before we went and have some spagetti.

"Niall, u sure this food is eatable?"

"U r doubting my cooking skills!"

"Just making sure, i don't chock to death!"

"Very funny!"


  "U wait!" He started running after me! I ran around the whole apartment! We both were laughing like crazy people! Then the next thing I know is that he caught up to me and he started tickling me!

"Niall, stop!!!I am not ticklish" I was laughing my face of!

"I can see that!" I fell on the couch I think! "Ni- st--opp! I can't breath!"

"I love the sound of ur laugh so no!!!"

"Ni plz"

I think he got tired coz I was fighting back! He was on the couch and I was resting on him! I loved this position, I could hear his heartbeat and I felt protected! I felt my eye lids getting heavy and I entered my unconsciousness! 



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