3 month before my birthday

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"So ur 16th birthday is coming up" anika said. Anika was like my best friend I would tell her every single thing, if it was important or not. I love disturbing her with all my nonsense! "Ya I know I am looking forward to it" me as in inaara said . Ofcourse let me give u some details bout me.. well u could say I was one heck of a girl, I loved one direction and I mean it by saying loved them.

I was short but not that short, I had brown long hair with brown eyes, I loved music and adventurous things.. everybody and I mean it by everybody even my father thinks I am crazy.. I liked living my life fully, really don't care wat people think out me. Well u can call me crazy and I think I am done with my explanation so back to where we r.

"Any plans on wat u wanna do!" "I have literally no idea, dad said I might be able to go watch one direction perform in South Africa! And I might also go to France next year end of June. So I don't know wat to do.. maybe I will throw a party or have a day out with friends"

"Remember u were saying about a road trip, y Don't u have a road trip to a national park since u partially belive that they are your family! Was the elephant ur grandpa!"

" Yaa! He is my grandpa! And he only has a tusk! I think The poachers have the other one, you know grandma was finding him, while he was have a mud bath I told him to go to her but he felt that he should smell good first before he meets grandma!"

"Did anyone tell u, u are crazy! I am literally planning to take u to the mental asylum coz if u r here with me then I would die before my day! And I dont wanna have that road trip with u no more! I still wanna live!"

" I'm not gonna kill u I swear! Let have a road trip!" "No!!!!!"

The bell rang giving us the signal that our first lesson was over and reminding is that we don't have a lesson together until tomorrow! Ahh I hate this!!

I went to my second lesson and began to think about my birthday, yah yah I know it's after 3 months but come on its my 16th birthday!

Then I suddenly remembered maleeha and that I have not seen her yet. Maleeha was like my second bestie she was really cute and amazing! She was the best, she had everything a girl could imagine, she had curly brown hair and amazing brown eyes.

Maybe she did not come to school today! Then the rest of the day went on by thinking about my birthday and hoping I get good gifts! I swear if I don't get good gifts I am going to stab myself with a wooden stack(I know I am not a vampire)...


















So it's December the 1st! Wow time flies! So 5 more days until school gets over and one month until my 16th birthday! I am getting more exited everyday..

I woke up In the morning feeling great! I went to school and I loved Mondays coz in almost all my classes anika and maleeha were there..

Me and maleeha were talking about how one direction's new video of steal my girl is awesome and amazing!!!! Yah we both love one direction, I was in the fandom first then I slowly pulled everybody around me into it! Hhaha!

" how is ur irish going on!" Maleeha asked me. Well before u say wat the hell is she talking bout, I am learning irish and trying to have an irish accent for niall! I love irish and I wanna be one.. so I am learning how to speak it!

"Well it's perfect! I learn a few words everyday like dia dhuit, cad è mara atà tu?"

"Hold on wat the hell did u just say, don't swear at me in irish"

" lol maleeha I am telling u Hi and how r u doing?"

" oh! Hi! I am doing great!!"

" so wats ur plan for the holiday maleeha" " well I am going to stay home and watch tv and talk to people and go for swimming and go for swimming, I love swimming!! Wat are u gonna do?"

" well! I might be going to Kenya (a country in East Africa for those who don't know) and the only thing I want from there is high tops I am like obsecced with those shoes after seeing austin mahone wear them and ofcourse I want one direction things!"

"U r crazy man! Who the hell gets obsecced with shoes! And we'll bring me some one direction things too."

We were randomly talking until I saw anika walk in the room, she is late and she knows it!

We had french right now and we'll since its french the teacher does not bother so I guess she is safe.

We sit around and chit chat bout things and our holidays and me being me I tell them bout my animal family and my lion bro! Haha I love disturbing them!!

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