Chapter 16 (I just wanted to swim)

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Hey guys just wanted to let you guys know that you're all appreciated and that there's someone who loves you so always treasure those around you! And if you think that there's no one then I'll be that person just let me know if you need someone to talk to I'll happily be your ear but with that I hope you enjoy this chapter!


You wake up from someone splashing water in your face.

Jayce: wake up sleepy head.

Y/n: where.. am.. I..

Jayce: hahaha! That's none of your concern. Just stay here like a good boy.

Jayce: make sure he doesn't leave this place.

????: yessir boss!

Jayce: ugh. Sound more professional will you.

????: sorry boss!

He steps out of the room the one light that hung over you was dim so it was hard to make out your surroundings.

????: hey! I have to go to the bathroom! So don't try anything fishy!

That was so cheesy.

Y/n: well. I'm tied up here so I can't really go anywhere now can I.

????: that makes sense!

You roll your eyes as he leave the room.

I have to get out of here.

Your hands are zip tied behind your back.

Heh. Amateurs zip ties are a piece of cake.

You twist your wrist and begin to push your knuckles in and your wrists out.


You free yourself and carefully make your way out the door. You slowly open it and peak through the tiny opening. You see no one.

Did he just leave me here? Like.. with no one else here..?

You open the door all the way and step outside.

Y/n: really.. no one.. they can't be-

????: where are you going?!?!

Your head shoots to your left and you see the man from earlier running straight towards you. He's average looking but he's a bit taller than you but your eyes widen as you see him charge at you with green disks in his hands. He throws one and it wizzes passed your face cutting into the wall.

Oh.. shit..

He throws another one at you but you dive under it running in the opposite direction.

????: hey! Get back here!

Y/n: umm..! How about.. NO!

You book it at full speed with this man throwing green disks at you.

Gotta find the girls.. let's buy some time..

You bob and weave around the green disks flying passed your head as you run away from your assailant.

Y/n: hey!

????: what!

Y/n: what's your name!

Tony: Tony!

Heh. Nice.

Y/n: fuck you Tony!

Tony: fuck you! what's your name!

Y/n: Ezekiel!

Tony: fuck you Ezekiel!

Y/n: hahaha! Nice!

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