Chapter 39 (preparing for war)

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The sun was now setting as you made your way to the capital of Ionia the Placidium of Navori you're lead by Irelia who begins to slow down turning to everyone.

Irelia: we'll rest here for the night. We'll reach the Placidium by midday two days from now.

Everyone begins to unpack some tents while others gather resources to make a fire. As everyone was doing their part to set up camp you feel a hand on your shoulder. Irelia motions you to follow her and you reluctantly follow. The two of you are now alone she begins to speak but you notice her keeping her eyes to the ground.

Irelia: hey.. I'm sorry about earlier today..

Y/n: it's fine..

Irelia: no.. no it's not.. this war.. has claimed so many innocent lives.. and I guess the stress is finally getting to me..

Y/n: I'm sorry.. being a leader is a heavy task..

Irelia: the lives of these people weigh at my every decision.. if I make a single mistake it could cost us thousands of lives.. unnecessary deaths..

Y/n: but when someone chooses to fight for what they believe in and die for that belief it's not a waste of a life.. they fought in the hopes that others will see the future they envisioned..

Irelia: but I want those same people to live to see that future.. I can't handle this responsibility.. I feel it eating away at me.. every life lost makes me wonder if there was another way.. a way to avoid that loss of life..

Y/n: the sad truth is that we can never get a victory without any losses.. that's something a leader has to bare with as they lead their people forward..

She stares at you with confusion trying to evaluate you.

Irelia: you sound just like a leader..

Y/n: I'm not a leader..

Irelia: for someone who claims he isn't a leader you seem to know a lot about how to lead..

Y/n: well it's things I'd like to see in a leader..

Irelia: I see..

Y/n: so what were you guys doing so close to the coast?

Irelia: trying to find any hidden Noxian camps behind our lines. We don't want to get caught on two different fronts.

Y/n: I see.. smart move

The both of you stand in silence for a few moments she was about to say something but you hear Ahri in the distance calling for you.

Y/n: sorry.. I'm being looked for..

As you leave you turn one last time.

Y/n: everyone will make a mistake.. even big ones.. and sometimes they will cause pain and heartache.. but don't ever forget why you chose to fight instead of taking it laying down. Sure being a leader is hard but being a coward is worse.

As you walk back to the camp you notice a smile appear on Irelia's face but as you approach Ahri you can tell she was now a bit worried.

Ahri: where were you..?!

Y/n: sorry! I was actually having a chat with Irelia!

You see her tense up a bit.

Ahri: is.. everything okay?

Y/n: yeah! She just wanted to apologize for her behavior earlier!

Ahri: oh! That's good!

Y/n: yeah it is! But let's finish up setting up camp so we can rest!

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