Chapter 43 (amends maybe)

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Alrighty we are back bros let's get this show on the road!


Finally you stand outside the canyon of the Placidium of Navori its walls of mountains standing to its sides as if making way to sacred grounds its magnificence presenting itself before you in all its grandeur. Irelia steps in front of you with a sense of pride and joy.

Irelia: I present to you the Placidium of Navori!

Awe struck by its beauty you feel like a child in his first amusement park so many things catching your eyes from the tall mountains with dragons flying over head to the stone path cutting deep in the center all the way to a very large tree you see far across the canyon. The air pure almost rejuvenating for your lungs it's like inhaling the mana of the land itself. The wind cold and crisp refreshing and revitalizing against your skin like a drink water after a long walk in the desert. You hear life all around you from the birds chirping to poros playing to the bugs buzzing and even the occasional roar from the dragons on the tall mountain tops. You make your way through the pass and stand to a great open plain which was once hidden by the mountains towering behind you.

Y/n: woah..

Irelia: amazing isn't it!

Y/n: it really is..

To your left and right no longer mountains but rows upon rows of farmland people working hard reaping their harvest a huge contrast to the environment you were just in.

*Time skip*

You're now in the heart of the Placidium of Navori looking down at the farmlands and villages below you can see it all surround the great tree which was actually a large shrine now before you and below the great shrine stood several men all adorning something akin to strange layered plate armor detailed with intricately inscribe or adorned decorations (samurai armor) and at their hips long curved blades at the ready.

Apollyon: why don't they look like the most friendliest of people

Y/n: shut it.

Irelia: I'm glad to see you're all here.

You notice two people step forward and you notice their clothing are much different to the others. One man was fully clothed in blue cloth and armor similar to a ninja but blue.l and the next one wore a robe with something attached to her back like a pair of wings but between them a green aura was flowing from one side to the other. You see the blue ninja step up.

????: ah Irelia it's good to see you here

Irelia: likewise Master Shen of the Kinkou clan I know you try to avoid fighting but your presence is very much welcomed.


The man tilts his head at you before he notices the girls behind you his eyes wide.

Shen: Y/n? What are you doing here?

Y/n: I'm helping with the war!

Shen: ah. I see. So you will also be disrupting the balance.

Another man comes walking out behind him he seemed irritated.

????: Master Shen. The balance has already been broken. We have to end this war or else more Azakana will be born.

Shen: Yone. I understand but everything happens for a reason. We must let things go as they should.

You hear a rush of footsteps behind you. You watch as a now furious Akali is now in front of you.

Akali: balance my ass. So you're just gonna let them take everything. You call that balance. Your balance is bullshit.

Shen: Akali.. you've been taught the Kinkou way.. which you have strayed from for too long it's time you came back..

Raison D'etre (KDA x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now