Chapter 17 (I'm so dead)

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Hey guys I hope you're all doing great today! And with that let's continue on with the story!


As you head towards the concert you notice an extremely long line going straight into the ballroom. You never saw Tony on the way there so you assumed he was still in his room sleeping. You spoke to the man in front of you.

Y/n: hey.. is this the line to the KDA concert..

Random guy: yeah man! I'm so hyped!

Y/n: oh! Sweet sweet!

I wonder how long this'll ta-

You're interrupted by a hand being placed on your shoulder. It was Yorick and he was looking quite annoyed.

Y/n: hey..! What's up Yorick..!

Yorick: *growls* Mundo is looking for you. I'll lead you to him.

Y/n: oh cool..! Thanks..!

You follow Yorick walking passed the line you hear the occasional complaint since you're technically cutting in line but you quietly follow Yorick. You finally get to the front and walk into the concert room you hear a familiar voice.

Jayce: why does that loser get to go in and not me?!

Security guard: because he's on the list. You aren't.

Jayce: do you know who I am?!

Security guard: do you know who I am.

Jayce: no.

Security guard: I'm the security guard that isn't gonna let entitled rich kids like you in unless you're on the list. NOW WAIT.

Jayce was about to punch the man but was stopped when he saw a.. is that a moving rock?!?! You see a nine foot tall rock thing walk behind the security guard.

????: is there a problem here.

Security guard: oh no sir Malphite! There just this man trying to get inside without being on the list!

Malphite looks at Jayce who winces and begins to back off.

Malphite: I recommend you wait.

Jayce silently nods his head in defeat.

Yorick: *growls* you done watching.

Y/n: oh! Yeah! Right behind you!

You smirk at Jayce who then glares back at you but you walk away with a triumphant stride. You both go inside and it's beautiful the room was amazing. You see the girls standing on stage.

Looks like they're practicing.. better not bother them..

You continue to follow Yorick into a hallway entrance. You enter a room where you see Mundo sitting in a chair with his legs crossed and his finger tapping his chin.

Mundo: sit Y/n.

You sit down a little nervous.

Y/n: so.. what did you want to talk about..

He stares at you for a moment.

Mundo: tell Mundo.. why do you like the girls.

You blush a bit.

Y/n: *blushing* e-e-excuse m-me?

Mundo: why do you like Ahri.

Your brain feels like it's about to fry.

Mundo: if I don't like the reason. I'll make you disappear.

And with that you're no longer blushing the thought of impending doom really helped.

Raison D'etre (KDA x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now