Chapter 72 (Taking Back The City)

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A large explosion can be seen about a mile from where you were from, but yet again explosions were happening all over the place. The road in front of you explodes crumbling a building and as the building collapses a larger Voidling rose, it's had big claws almost like a giant isopod.

Y/n: you're a big one huh.

It screeches and charged dives straight at you. You ready yourself to stop it even turning Cosmic as you do, but before the giant beast could even reach you a spear appeared from the sky piercing it straight in the head forcing it onto the ground as meteor struck it.


Over it's dead body a man stood above it, what you thought was a meteor was just a familiar friend.

Y/n: Atreus?!

He pulls his spear out of the beast, he walks to you while he takes off his Spartan helmet.

Atreus (Pantheon): hello Y/n! How are you doing?

Y/n: great! But what are you doing here?! I thought they were evacuating everyone?!

Atreus: they are, but I couldn't risk them destroying my bakery!

Y/n: ah I see that's great and all, but let's continue to save the city! Let's catch up when all this is over!

Atreus: of course!

He holds his spear in front of him with the spear top facing straight up towards the sky, he closes his eyes for a moment before they are once again opened with his eyes glowing orange, he prepared to jump launching himself high up into the sky before he dove into another direction leaving a noticeable..


Well I guess I should go find the others

You begin to run around searching for any familiar faces as you cleave Voidlings left and right. After about ten minutes of your slaughter, you managed to find Akali. She was going in and out of her smoke screen cutting down Voidlings, she was moving so fast while also utilizing her smoke screen the Voidlings couldn't even react. Before you could even go in to help she already finished the last of them. After slashing the air to clean off the blood off her Kama and Kunais she walks up to you.

Akali: did you find Kai'sa?

Y/n: I did but before I could subdue her she got away.. I'm sorry..

Akali cursed a bit under her breath.

Akali: it's okay, let's just find the others

Ahri POV

You finished the last of the Voidlings around you with your magic orbs, the civilians you protected were escorted by the military so you continued to move towards the sound of battle. You used your mana to push you up buildings as you went rooftop to rooftop heading towards a fight. As you approached the area you saw Eve fighting hordes of Voidlings all coming out of from multiple tunnels all around her, piles upon piles of Voidlings all dead at her feet. You rush down blasting more Voidlings, stepping back to back with each other you can hear how winded and tired Eve was.

Evelynn: you're finally here darling, I'm just about dry on mana and stamina..

Ahri: same here, but I still have a few more magic orbs worth of mana left..

Evelynn: then let's finish this quickly.

Ahri: Agreed.

Eve claws Voidling left and right while simultaneously using her Lashers to cut down ones that were trying to flank her, you decided it'd be best if you coated yourself in mana instead, using your hand to hand combat skills to pummel Voidlings to death. Things were going well until a volley of missile fired upon the two of you, to which you both managed to dodge just in the knick of time. The blood drained from your face as you see Kai'sa stood before you with a look of such anger you could never Kai'sa could ever show you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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