Chapter 51 (gone part 4)

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Akali POV

You watch in pure shock as you see Kai'sa beginning to faint you catch her mid fall setting her down on a chair.

Akali: Kai'sa what's wrong?!

Her skin deathly pale she weakly opens her eyes as if she's going through great pain tiredly she speaks.

Kai'sa: I.. need.. to.. feed..

Crap she needs food.

You rush towards the fridge looking for any meat or anything high in protein. You find a few steaks Kai'sa was planning on making, grabbing them you rush back to Kai'sa and she takes the steaks from you viscously eating them before the color started to come back to her face. She sighs as the pain subsides but her voice sounds raspy.

Kai'sa: thank you..

You place your hand on her shoulder smiling.

Akali: you're welcome!

Kai'sa: hey.. you know I was caught off guard by that kiss..

Akali: *sigh* yeah.. I know.. I'm sorry for getting mad at you.. none of this is your fault I just feel so.. useless..

She pulls you into a hug rubbing your back gently like a mother would her child.

Kai'sa: you're not useless. Don't every say that.

Akali: I couldn't keep him safe..

Kai'sa: how were we supposed to know that this would happen.. let's do our best when he wakes up!

Akali: yeah you're right!

Feeling better you snuggle closer to her. After a few minutes of silence you feel her stiffen up a bit confused you look up to see her face turn once again deathly pale.

Akali: are you okay?!

Not paying attention to you she speaks her voice slightly shaken.

Kai'sa: Y/n?!

You shoot your gaze behind you to see Y/n standing but his face was covered by that damn mask. You quickly get up ready for a fight and Kai'sa does the same each step he took towards you made you tense up. He's now within arms length of the both of you standing there motionless.

Kai'sa: honey..?

He's unresponsive he begins to move as he walks past the both of you stepping out the front door.

Kai'sa: honey where are you going?!

He sprouts his wings and takes off with great speed.

Akali: after him!

You both chase after him trying to keep up with him which wasn't too hard because he wasn't trying to hide. He leads you outside the capital and back out towards the open world.

Where are you going Y/n..

*Time skip a few minutes back*


You're forced onto a chair next to your brother.

Alex: Y/n?!?! What are you doing here?!?!

Y/n: I was trying to get you out of here but I completely failed.

Bodyguard 1: that you did.

Y/n: well I'll have you know that people will be looking for us if I don't give an update within the next ten minutes.

????: well then let's get this sample ready as soon as possible.

A man approaches the two of you wearing a white lab coat with a green tank on his back. He pulls out a syringe with black fluid in it he gets closer to your younger brother Alex fearing the worse you instantly open your mouth.

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