Chapter 46 (the duel)

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Anndddd we are back! Lets get this show on the road!


As you step into the combatant's lobby you see many different fighters gathered around some wearing no armor with fists for weapons and some wearing heavy armor with giant swords either way each looked equally intimidating. As the doors swing open everyone immediately stops talking all of them now looking at Akali and you. A drop of sweat makes it down the side of your face but you feel a hand clasp onto yours looking to your left it was Akali she gave you a reassuring smile and with that you got the courage to step inside making your way to the front desk.

Front desk man: names please?

Y/n: Y/n and this is Akali

You see his eyes light up as he stands grabbing Akali's hand shaking it.

Front desk man: I love your music! You're an amazing rapper!

Akali: thanks man!

Front desk man: can I get an autograph!

Akali: sure!

He pulls out a picture of the girls it was framed.. strange.. He handed it to Akali with a marker. After it was signed she handed it back to him.

Front desk man: thank you! Now I just need the other three!

Akali: they're here somewhere!

Front desk man: really! I'll have to find them on my lunch break! And you're all set you guys will just have to wait till it's your turn into the pit!

Akali: alright!

As the two of you walk away you nudge Akali's side with your elbow.

Y/n: didn't think anyone would recognize you~

You see her roll her eyes at you.

Akali: *scoff* oh please we're mega popular~

Y/n: that's true on the mainland didn't think it would be the same here~

Akali: well that is true! Ninety eight percent of our fan base is on the mainland!

Y/n: doesn't it feel weird at all! Having so many people know who you are!

Akali: nope not at all!

Y/n: I see!

Before Akali could say another word a man wearing a mask walks up to you two he had a smug like aura about him.

Uh oh an asshole..

????: hey you're Akali from KDA right?

Akali: that's me who's asking?

Jhin: my name is Jhin I absolutely love your popstar group the ~four~ of you are absolutely ~perfect~!

Akali: oh uh..! Thanks dude! I'm glad you like us!

Jhin: I ~love~ you guys! Oh! Where are my manners~ my name is Jhin~

Akali: oookay.. well! It was nice talking to you Jhin but we have to go get ready!

Jhin: of course~

As the two of you walk away you nudge her side again.

Y/n: who the hell was that guy?

Akali: I don't know some creep I guess. We get those from time to time so it's pretty normal.

Y/n: that must suck.

Akali: definitely. Let's talk about something else these kind of people always creep me out.

Y/n: okay

Raison D'etre (KDA x Male reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang