Chapter 50 (gone part 3)

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Evelynn POV

You left the Placidium of Navori walking back out towards the wild lands of Ionia back where this whole mess between Y/n and you started this fiasco of an argument.

Damnit Y/n.. what happened to you.. what happened to us..

After hours of scouring the land you reached a small village it was near dusk as the sun was setting you watch the villagers return to their homes you felt drawn to this place not from coincidence but for a more sinister reason.

He's here.

You watch to your right as a few kids were running home the three of them looking more disheveled than just normal kids playing. They were running from something and you knew who it was. Behind them the crops were crudely thrown aside as the being ran after the kids metal spike protruding out every so often you watch as their parent came running out their eyes wide filled with fear. What seemed like the father ran towards the kids trying to reach them before the creature did but he was far too slow you shroud yourself in your mist reappearing behind the kids as the creature was about to lunge on closest child. With a high kick you launch the primordial demon off to the left with a quick glance back you watch as the father held his three kids.

Evelynn: run.

Without another word he nods his head carrying his kids sprinting towards the house. You hear rustling as the creature lunges out once again but this time aimed at you. You feel yourself quiver at the sight of this great demon but steeling yourself you send your lashers out to strike but with a great swipe it sends its scythe straight towards your neck so you duck under only to be met with a punch to the face getting sent back a few yards.

Damnit. That fucking hurt.

You notice more rustling as you see more copies of the demon rise surrounding you now you were out classed and out manned and uphill battle became a battle of survival each clone staring you down with their beady red eyes you let yourself loose as your tendrils start to come out. You knew which one was the original due to it be the only one holding a scythe.

No holding back.

You turn into your demon shade form disappearing for a moment before reappearing in front of the original with a quick swipe you strike the side of its face causing its head to come clean off but not giving it a moment to recuperate you strike its arms destroying them beyond use ripping his legs from their sockets it falls with a..


The copies are now all on top of you trying to give time for the original to regenerate but you twirl and with a great attack from your lashers and tendrils you send them all flying. You rush back to the original trying to strike its core the small cage in the middle containing the soul of the primordial but as you went to strike it spoke to you.


You froze for just a moment and that's all it needed to strike. You try to dodge but you feel something cold touch your neck as the skin of your throat was cut if you were even a fraction of a second slower you would have died. It grabs you by the throat carrying you high into the air as it begins to suck away your life essence you struggle from its grasp and you feel yourself lose strength. Everything seemed lost but just as you felt yourself slip away you see the bright blue orb hit the demon from the side sending it flying with it losing its grasp on you. You fall on the ground coughing looking up you see a familiar blonde hair Vastayan looking down at you with worry.

Ahri: are you okay Eve?!

She helps you up and with a grunt you respond.

Evelynn: I'm fine. Why did you come.

Raison D'etre (KDA x Male reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang