Chapter 58 (gone final part)

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You open the front door of your home tired and worn out.

M/n: honey! Kids! I'm home!

You're greeted by three youngsters running down the stairs all hugging you tightly.

Samantha: mom you're back!

M/n: I sure am sweetie! Where's your father?

Kathrine: he went out he said he'd be back!

M/n: oh really now! Well I guess I should get dinner ready for him! You guys go play for a bit I'll call you when the food is ready!

Kathrine: okay!

They run off towards the backyard.

Alright let's welcome him back with a delicious meal!

*Time skip*

As you finished setting up the dinner table with plates and utensils you made lasagna for dinner with garlic bread on the side D/n's favorite. And right on queue the door opens as you see your slightly disheveled and depressed husband walk through the door.

M/n: where have you been!

His eyes go wide as it dawns to him that you were present in front of him.

D/n: I-I t-thought-

M/n: I was dead! I'm fine honey! Did you forget who I was before we decided to settle down!

D/n: cosmic conquerer M/n..

He runs into your arms tightly hugging you as if you'd disappear if he let go.

M/n: right! And yes I might've only gotten a fraction of my normal power but it was enough for me to win! So don't worry I'm not going anywhere!

Ahri POV

You feel much better after being able to rest thanks to Kai'sa and Akali holding back the demon horde with Y/n. Getting up you dust yourself off before looking at Eve with a smile.

Ahri: I feel much better how are you feeling?

Evelynn: I'm ready.

Ahri: great! Then let's go kick some demon ass!

You kick her butt (literally) with a mischievous smirk before she rolls her eyes walking towards the battle ahead.

Evelynn: you're such an idiot

You noticed her faint smile as she walked off.

Alright we're coming guys.

*Time skip*

As you caught up with the others a flash of blue light catches your eye. The closer you get the brighter it becomes until you were around a hundred feet away it suddenly faded. Feeling a little anxious you finally made your way to the battlefield and you see Kai'sa and Akali wiped the floor with the demons but the four of you pause for a moment as you see Y/n his body glowing a soft blue hue with shiny stars littering his whole body his spear gold with a soft silky cape gracefully flowing down his back his mask was golden as well with a single blue line coming down from the top of it over the left eye to the bottom of the mask like a lightning bolt. You feel in awe of the scene before you at a lost of words you just run over as quickly as you can.

Y/n: POV

As you are once again in Runeterra you watch your surroundings not seeing any of the bodies move you look for each of your girls they're all staring at you wondering what you would do next.

Y/n: hey guys.. I'm ba-

Before you could finish your sentence a purple plasma blast wizzes passed your head you turn your head around to see a now dead demon behind you turning back around you see a teary eyed Kai'sa standing before you and not too long they were all in front of you.

Y/n: I'm back..

None of them speak. The silence was deafening but after a few moments you spoke again.

Y/n: I missed you guys..

And with that they are all on top of you holding you extremely tight not letting go as they all spoke at once.





You felt extremely guilty that you had to put them through this again. You couldn't even get a word out so you did the next best thing you wrapped your arms around them the best you could and held them close you powered down no longer shining blue and you took off the mask it dissolved shortly after in your hand.


As you see Y/n taking off his mask you got to see his beautiful Y/c (your color) eyes his handsome face and you feel your tears fall even more.

God I never want to go through that again..


Y/n: okay guys as much as I'd love to continue this something tells me that we're not done yet..

And right on queue the demon known as Fiddlesticks rises from the pile of dead clones.

Fiddlesticks: SCHREECH

Y/n: alright girls how about we finish this scarecrow once and for all.

Ahri: couldn't say it better myself sweetie~

Evelynn: I'm gonna cave it's skull in.

Kai'sa: I'm with you.

Akali: let's finish this.

Y/n: alright let's go.

The five of you charge forwards towards the Primordial demon of Fear once more.

Aurelion Sol POV

As you stand in the center of the universe all around cosmos cosmic warriors fighting the void in their respective sectors. As you watch the war unfold a cosmic appears before you.

????: my king.. this brutal war is weakening us.. I do not know how long we can last..

Aurelion Sol: we must keep going until we can find a way to turn this war. Send me towards the frontlines I'll join you in arms.

????: yes you're majesty..

As he opens the portal you follow through to see void creature as far as the eye can see like an endless sea they swarm forwards and in your side you see your fellow cosmics worn down and exhausted. Showing your true form now a great dragon you roar before using your cosmic breath blasting trillions of void creatures into oblivion but as quickly as you destroyed them was as quickly their swarm refilled their lost ranks.

A change.. something must change..

I'm so sorry Aurelion Sol.. I promise I'm working on a way to change our fate.. this time.. this time I'll get it right.. I swear it..


Hey guys sorry for the extremely late update I have been really struggling to write due to being lazy busy and with writers block! But I'll try to write more! Also MERRY CHRISTMAS or HAPPY HOLIDAYS whatever you celebrate I hope you're having a wonderful day I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

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