Chapter 40 (pain and also a LEMON)

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Alrighty! Let's get this show in the road! I hope you took a bath! ALSO THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS A LEMON YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Enjoy!


As you head back to the campsite feeling better and much more clean you notice that you're the first one back and that the campsite has basically been taken care of as you notice the campfire being the only thing there now.

Well what to do..

You find a rock to sit on as you begin to ponder with everything that has gone on so far.

Get hit by a car then get beat up by a bully get saved by Kai'sa from said bully proceed to meet the rest of the girls get kidnapped having a darkin inhabit my body conquering said darkin who is now my friend meet the God of the S- NAUTILUS YOU HYPOCRITE. Touché you bastard.. meet Nautilus become friends with him get shanked by some random harbor serial killer nearly die meet Akali meets Zj and stop said serial killer fight gangplank and his army of pirates meeting Fortune through the process then helping Ionian villagers from Noxian troops and now we're here escorting them to their capital city The Placidium of Navori.. and this all happened in the span of a few months.. man shits gone real haywire ever since I got hit by that car..

Apollyon: that's one hell of a life story.

Y/n: tell me about it.

You're taken away from your thoughts as you here the girls approaching the camp for some strange reason you feel like you weren't supposed to be there so you run behind a tree hiding.

What the hell am I doing..

Apollyon: yes Y/n. What are you doing.

Y/n: no freaking clue.

You listen closely eavesdropping on the group.

Ahri: ah! That felt nice!

Kai'sa: tell me about it! It's been so long since I've taken a shower!

Akali: my hair feels so soft now!

Evelynn: oh dears you can't even imagine how good that felt~

They're now in the campsite sitting around you hear Ahri speak.

Ahri: it looks like Y/n isn't back yet!

Kai'sa: he's probably on his way now!

Akali: I can't wait to make him feel my hair!

Evelynn: I'll be right back dears~

Ahri: where you going?

Evelynn: oh you know~ lady business~

Ahri: oh okay! Do you need one of us to come!

Evelynn: I'll be fine dear~

You hear footsteps get closer to you and you feel your heart beat faster. Next thing you know you're holding your breathe as you see Eve pass right next to you.

Did she see m-

You're quickly grabbed and thrown behind the bushes with a hand over your mouth Eve pins herself above you.

Evelynn: don't talk~ or they'll hear us~

Ahri: hey Eve! You okay over there!

Eve turns around facing towards Ahri's voice.

Evelynn: nothing is wrong dear! Just trying to get comfortable!

Ahri: alright!

She turns back to you with hunger in her eyes.

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