Chapter 48 (gone part 1)

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*Several minutes before the transformation*


As you were getting your ass handed to you.. hey. That's not nice. So. You try to keep your head straight but every hit thrown at you causes you to lose your bearings stumbling back you retaliate trying to keep up with his flurry fo attacks.

This is seriously bad.

Apollyon: you need to actually start fighting or you'll lose.

Y/n: no way. I'm not going risk someone's life over a competition.

Apollyon: well then it'll be your loss.

Y/n: there has to be something.

As you try your damnedest to keep up with Sett he manages to land a hard right hook your body meeting the ground hard.


You're down and close to blacking out but you feel something deep within your abdomen pulsating and growing you feel wave of darkness wash over you and you're dragged into your subconscious.

What just happened?!

Apollyon: uh.. you're not supposed to be here..?

Y/n: what's going?!

Before Apollyon could respond you feel a chill go down your spine Apollyon must have felt something too because you both turned towards your left to see dark figure covered in red eyes looking at the both of you.

Apollyon: interesting..

Y/n: what is it?!

Apollyon: The Primordial demon of Fear.


Apollyon: calm down it must have imprinted a piece of itself within you when it attacked you.


Apollyon: how about instead of destroying it we use it to make you stronger.

Y/n: how about.. NO.

Apollyon: we can use this to our advantage.

Y/n: I don't want to be apart of that.. THING.

Apollyon: you need to get stronger and in order to do that you have to get power through any means.

Y/n: not like this.

Apollyon: we have to if you want to protect the ones you love.

Y/n: ugh. Damnit. Fine. What do I do.

Apollyon: absorb it.

Y/n: how?

Apollyon: like you did with me.

Y/n: how do I do that?

Apollyon: how am I supposed to know you're the one who did it.

Y/n: I did it without thinking.

Apollyon: well you better start thinking now and hurry that thing is making my skin crawl.

You pause for a moment before you approach the creature as you touch the figure it grasp your wrist.


You feel yourself blacking out and somehow you're sucked into the darkness from your subconscious.

Apollyon POV

Raison D'etre (KDA x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now