Chapter 62 (Noxus)

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Ahri POV

As red lightning is hurled your way you bob and weave through all of it. You taunt your opponent with a smirk plastered on your face.

Ahri: having trouble there old man?

Swain: you're older than me.

Ahri: right..

You shrug and hurl your magic orbs towards him as he sends his red orbs in turn, they clash and large explosions occur with each impact, luckily it's only the seven of you so you can go a little crazy without needing to worry about a stray shot hitting an ally.

Akali POV

As you parry a flying dagger with your kama, you throw a kunai in retaliation and with a..


You watch as your kunai flys another direction. You click your tongue before continuing your clash with your rival.


Katarina: oh I'd like to see you try~

In a fit of rage you pull out more kunais throw more her way but it was all in vain as she blocks each one.

Katarina: my turn~

You watch as twenty daggers fly your way so you quickly step to the side narrowly dodging them and before you could recover she was right on top of you she brings a dagger down on you but this is what you wanted, as you paired her blade with you kama you gave a quick left hook slugging her right in the jaw. She flies straight into the canyon wall.


She stands back up shaking of debris and dust off her shoulder as she exits the noticeable crater in the wall.

Katarina: oh it's on.

You jester with your hands with a taunting smile.

Akali: bring it.

Kai'sa POV


As he swung his ginormous axe, you managed to dodge it with ease but what was worrisome was that even though the axe was almost as large as him, he was swinging it with one hand as his free hand would come at you trying land a quick one whenever he missed with his main weapon.


He lets out an even bigger battle cry as he hurls his axe towards the wall now chasing you down with his fists and his movements being much more erratic but quick. Each punch he threw you sent one back and each connected strike sent out shock waves throughout the canyon. You managed to land some good hits in but it seemed that the more damage he took the more stronger and quicker he got. Trying to end it with one last hit you duck passed a strike and straight to the throat you swung your fist but before you could react you felt arms wrap tightly around you as they tried to squeeze the life out of you.

Kai'sa: get. Off. ME.

With a loud hum you charge your void turrets and with a big..


The plasma from your void seekers firing managed to loosen his grip. As you land on the ground you quickly assess the damage you did hoping the fight was over, but to your dismay he walks through the smoke more angry than hurt. You curse under your breath before finally launching tiny void missile towards the behemoth followed by slashes from your void blades.

Evelynn POV

????: for Noxus!

As he winds up his battle axe back swinging it horizontally, you jump over it and with your lashers you hone in for the strike but with uncanny speed he managed to hook his axe behind you and before he could pull you in you fade into purple mist reappearing in front of him.

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