Chapter 21 (making up for lost time)

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Hey guys! We're back at it with another chapter! So I hope you've been enjoying yourself so far! And with that let us continue!


As Kai'sa explained the events that led you to go on a cruise ship you can't help but feel like all this was made up but at the same time she seemed so serious and honest you couldn't help but believe her. Before you can ask your next question you hear the door open and you see the other three girls come in your heart begins to race.. why..

????: hey.. Y/n.. how are you..?

A woman with dark brown hair with blonde highlights walks towards you.

Kai'sa: Y/n let me introduce you to Akali!

Akali: hey..!

Y/n: hi..

You feel this tugging in this heart. You want to hug her. You hesitate at first.

So.. can I.. screw it..

You get up an walk towards her she tenses up and brings up her hand but you brush it aside and hug her. You notice her face glowing red.

Akali: *blushing* a-are you okay..?!

You pull her out of your embrace and frown a bit.

Y/n: Kai'sa told me that you guys meant a lot to me.. I don't know how close we were.. but I'll try my best to remember my lost memories..

Akali: ah..! Don't worry..! Please take your time! Your recovery is what matters!

Y/n: thank you..

Kai'sa now standing next to a woman with white hair and.. are those claws..? Places a hand on her shoulder.

Kai'sa: and this is Evelynn! You can call her Eve!

Y/n: hey..-Ow.

You grab your head now having a horrible migraine that just begun wisps of memories coming and going you catch only glimpses of them.

YOU WILL NOT TOUCH THEM- those are the smiles I love- I don't know just luck I guess..-

And with that the memories were gone as quickly as they came. You see Evelynn rush towards you.

Evelynn: darling?! Are you okay?!

Evelynn places a hand on your face brushing your cheek with her thumb. You blush a bit by the attention but she pulls her hand back which made your heart sting.

Y/n: yeah.. I'm fine..

????: are you sure you're okay..?

Y/n: I'm sure.. and you are?

You watch as the Vastayan woman approaches you. Her ears I bit low and her tail staying close to herself.

So fluffy..

Ahri: my name is Ahri..!

Y/n: hello Ahri..

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