27. Fever

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"Who told you to play in the rain?!" Rajveer scolded his wife.

Isha had gotten sick because when they went to the amusement park yesterday it started raining and Isha loves playing in the rain so she did. Rajveer tried telling her to stop but she wouldn't budge. 

"Stop yelling at me" she whimpered.
"Acho" she sneezed. It was her 12 sneeze in 10 minutes. 

"Stay here. I'll call Nidhi" he said before picking up his cell.

"You idiot. I'm a doctor. I'll tell you what to...acho...do" she yelled at him.

He ignored and dialed Nidhi's number.

"What bhai?"

"Isha has a fever and I'm no doctor" he told her.

"Put a cold towel on her forehead and give her Advil. That's all. Ok bye"

"Thanks. Bye," he hung up.


He went to the kitchen where Priya was eating cold pizza and crying.

"Why are you putting a towel in ice water?" Priya whimpered.

"Your bhabi has a fever. Why are you crying?" He asked.

"I miss Arsh. I haven't seen him since yesterday. He hasn't been able to answer my calls. He had to take nanu to the doctor since no one else is home" she sobbed.

Raj chuckled and went back to Isha.

He put her head on his lap and started putting the towel on her forehead. 

"Thanks," she said. 

"For what?" he asked.

"For taking care of me" she yawned. He smiled and continued putting the towel on her forehead. 


She jumped out of his hold and ran for the bathroom. Raj ran after her. 

She was puking out everything she ate. He held her hair back and rubbed her back. 

"Bhai how is bhabz?" Priya entered the room. "Cheapde, come here" she shouted. 

"Shut up Priya" Rajveer yelled from the bathroom.

Rohit stomped into the room and started pulling Priya's braid. 

"OWW" Priya whined.

"Why did you call me here?" Rohit asked.

"I think bhabz is pregnant" Priya cheered. Rohit and her started dancing. 

"SHE IS NOT PREGNANT. AND WHEN SHE WILL BE I'LL BE SURE NOT TO TELL YOU" Raj screamed at them as he held Isha in his arms. 

"Look bhai you made us sad" the 2 siblings pouted. 

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