Bonus Chapter

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Today is Priya and Arsh's wedding and I'm 9 months pregnant with my third child.

My babies are finally 2 years old. They are growing up so fast. Cue the waterworks.

"Why are you crying princess? Priya is going to be living with Arsh. No need to cry" Rajcalmed me down and claimed my lips. Even after 3 years he still has the same effect on me.

"Mumma" Redhan came into the room fully naked, Raj chasing him. Rashi followed behind the father-son duo.

"RAJVEER, you were supposed to get him ready. Come to Mumma Redhu, your papa is good for nothing" I picked him up and marched for his room. I heard Raj calling for me but I ignored it and put a finger on my mouth so Redhu would also be quiet.

"Bhabi, can you please ask your husband to knock some sense into Priya" Rohit came to me.

I sighed and asked, "Is she crying?"

"She keeps overthinking it. I'll get Redhan ready you go talk to her" I handed him Redhan and went straight for Priya's room.

I saw her sitting on the bed with her phone in her hands. Nidhi was sitting next to her.

"Why are you nervous?" I asked her. I've been through the same as her.

"What if I'm not a good wife? What if dadi and dadu don't accept me? What if..." I cut her off with a light slap.

"She called me 10 minutes ago. She can't wait to marry you. To start a family with you, idiot" I announced.

"Oh thank god" he sighed. How is my sister gonna marry him? But he is an amazing person. I am so happy for them.
Reet and Aditya are also the perfect couple. It's just amazing.
Rohit and Roop is as single as always.

"Mumma, Redhan is weady (ready)" Ishan walked into the room with his chachu, papa, and sister. He and Ranveer are matching. This baby is just amazing.

"Hurry up people. We are getting late" dad shouted from downstairs. We all laughed and made our way downstairs.


"So how does it feel to be Mrs. Priya Arshdeep Singh?" Roop teased Priya as she was sitting on Arsh's bed. She lifted her head and we saw her tear-stained face. Oh no. I wrapped her into a tight hug and she cried her eyes out.

"Priyu what's wrong?" I asked.

"Bhabz...I'm not ready. But what if he asks for a husband's rights?" she sobbed. Oh no, I also went through this. She doesn't want to have... well IT yet.

"Hey, shhh. It's ok...just tell him. He will still love you. And if not I can tell him. He never says no to me. And I trust him. He would never do anything without your permission. After all, he" I caressed her hair. Poor thing, she truly doesn't wanna hurt him.

"Can you?" I nodded and told her I am stepping out to talk to him.

Luckily I met him in the corridor. 

"Arshu, we need to talk" I spoke.

"Di don't worry, I am not gonna do anything without her approval. And anyway, our relationship is more than just lust" he said. I'm so proud of him.

"I'm so proud of you" I stood up on my toes and planted a kiss on his turban. "Ok now go" he nodded and started walking off.

Water...there is water dripping down my leg. Shit, my water broke. "Aghhhhhhh" I screamed. Arsh ran back to me. "RAJVEER MY WATER BROKE"

"Di breath" I started following Arsh's breaths.

"What, what?" Raj ran up and grabbed me. "Call Simi and tell her to meet us at the hospital" Arsh nodded and went to tell Roop.

"Ahhhh" it hurts. More than my pregnancy with Rashi and Redhan. And this time I'm so much bigger.


We reached the hospital 20 minutes later and Simi had also arrived by that time.


"Isha you're fully dilated. Start pushing for me" Simi was going all doctor mode.

"Ahhhhh" I tried pushing. By the time we would be done Raj's hand would be bruised. Again. My last pregnancy left his hands all bloody since I stuck my nails in them

"You got it Isha. Keep pushing princess." Raj was trying to help. Just like last time.

"You... You did this. Only if you hadn't spilled our seeds in me. I hate... you. You... already had Rashi and Redhan" I lashed out.

"Keep going Isha... I can see the head" Simi said. I pushed more and then I heard cries.

"Welcome to the world my precious niece" Simi announced. Raj kissed my forehead. "Would the father like to cut the cord?"

He nodded but before he could get up I shouted "Simi another one" their eyes widened.

"Almost there. Keep pushing for me" I pushed with all my might. Raj's hand started bleeding. I stopped screaming at the sound of cries. "A son" Simi chuckled.

"I have another baby girl to spoil" he kissed my forehead. "Ira and Ishan"

"I love it"

"I love it"

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