58. His Fight

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He had just told me that Kanwar Ahuja, the man who threatened my wife, crashed Reet's car, and tried to separate 2 lovers got bailed out of jail.

"Sir, I don't know how it happened? My men are looking into his right now. We have a feeling that Ahuja was working with your father's ex-wife, Ashwini" Liam muttered.

I'll kill them both!

Ashwini tries ruining my family and  Kanwar tried to take my Isha away from me and Reet away from Aditya. Not on my watch.

"Find out what happened. I'm giving you 10 minutes. If I don't get the information in 10 minutes, consider your job gone. I'll have you blacklisted in the entire country. Do you get that?" I threatened. 

He hesitantly nodded and ran out of my office. 

I poured myself some whiskey and chugged it down. I'm not a heavy drinker. I only drink when I'm pissed. Like right now. After Isha and I got married, I would rarely drink.


10 minutes later, Liam scurried into my cabin.

"Sir, it's official, Ashwini has people working for her outside of jail so she had them bail Ahuja to get revenge..." Liam sighed.

My jaw clenched. Ahuja being out of jail is a huge risk to my family. It's a risk, I'm not willing to take.

"Get your team ready. We're going to get Kanwar Ahuja" I whispered in a deadly voice.

He nodded and went to get the team.

Kanwar Ahuja and Ashwini Singh, you signed your own death certificate.


When we reached headquarters Liam was giving orders to the men while I was explaining the situation to Rohit.

"If anything happens, keep the family safe" I cut off his rant.

"Don't do this bhai. You're being stubborn" he yelled. I sighed and hung up.

"Sir, Ahuja is on the 26 floor. All the floors are heavily guarded. We'll need to be careful" Liam explained.

"Send some men with me to the 26th floor" I said.


"Yea bhai, where are you?" I asked.

"Ahuja got bailed by Ashwini's men and now he's a threat to the family" Bhai sighed.


He explained everything to me.

"If anything happens, keep the family safe" he cut off my rant.

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