Chapter 84 ~ The Chat is in Chaos and Gaara is the Cause

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Hello everyone. In case you missed the post, we had a lot going on so we ended up not being able to publish for a while. However, our senior year of highschool is winding down and we have seven days of school left! Our school loves to give the seniors a huge project otherwise everything would have been fine, but noooo... we still aren't done with it but the last part is easier and less time consuming so it all good. Hope this finds y'all well and that you enjoy it!!!

Here are some chat reminders since it has been so long XDD

insomniac queers™

cat-bean_attacc -Gaara

needs_beefy arms - Shinso

tiny_bean_must_protecc - Izuku

the_birb_one(s) - Tokoyami

Class 1-A

Deku - Izuku

emo birb void - Tokoyami

Dunce-face - Kaminari

Explodoman - Bakugou

Hard ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - Kirishima

Shoto - Todoroki

Music to my Ears :) - Jirou

Creati - Momo

GOtta Go Fast - Iida

off-brand spider-man - Sero

U can't see me - Hakaugure

alien queen - Mina

Up, Up, and Away! - Uraraka 

needs_beefy arms [ 3:20 p.m.]: Y'all better text when you find out

the_birb_one(s) [ 3:20 p.m.]: agreed.

needs_beefy arms [ 3:40 p.m.]: wtf how long do these things take??? You better still be in a courtroom

cat-bean_attacc [ 4:05 p.m.]: no we are just leaving the police station

cat-bean_attacc [ 4:05 p.m.]: and oh, I guess I am going to be adopted tomorrow

needs_beefy arms [ 4:06 p.m.]: WTF POLICE STATION???? AND YOU GUESS???

the_birb_one(s) [ 4:06 p.m.]: Further information is requested

cat-bean_attacc [ 4:06 p.m.]: Izuku and I had to go to the police station with Aizawa after the adoption proceedings.

the_birb_one(s) [ 4:07 p.m.]: Perhaps we should ask Izuku instead

tiny_bean_must_protecc [ 4:07 p.m.]: Oh! They just wanted to ask me questions about my mom, no big deal!

cat-bean_attacc [ 4:07 p.m.]: If Izuku hadn't explicitly forbidden me from getting rid of his mother, she would be gone by now.

needs_beefy arms [ 4:08 p.m.]: Somehow I feel like both of the beans are under-exaggerating by a lot.

tiny_bean_must_protecc [ 4:08 p.m.]: :(

tiny_bean_must_protecc changed the_birb_one(s)' name to birb-beans

tiny_bean_must_protecc changed needs_beefy arms to coffee bean O-o

birb-beans [ 4:09 p.m.]: owo

birb-beans [ 4:09 p.m.]: you should also check your pms and the class chat. It has been a revelry in the dark while you were flaunting in the darkness

coffee bean O-o [ 4:09 p.m.]: :( I want to be in that chat :(

birb-beans [ 4:10 p.m.]: You do deserve to. How is your training with Aizawa-sensei going?

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