Chapter 89 ~ Of Pawns and Gaara Being Clueless

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Hey guys, hope everything is going well. I am currently doing better than I have been lol. It seems like every time I am ok, Shinji is not. Unfortunately that takes time away from how much we can write. But we love writing and all of you guys. It creates a sort of relief from things that we are going through. My Psych eval is in 19 days and I am excited and nervous. I really hope that this can help them figure out my medication... but we will see. But anyways, I am moving into a dorm soon so honestly I hope the schedule of classes keeps me busy enough not to get so depressed XD that way we can actually write more. Annnnnyyywayyysss Enjoy!!!!!!

     "Hello there!" The principal waved, startling the six of them, "First let me congratulate you all, it was quite special and I wanted to thank you for inviting me! I look forward to the party this evening!" The principal grinned, and Aizawa got a heavy feeling in his gut, "I just need to borrow Aizawa and Yamada! Nothing bad, we just have to discuss Izuku-here's education."

There it was. There was no saving the world now.

"Now?" Aizawa mourned, glancing at his third cup of coffee he had yet to finish.

"If I may ask!" Nedzu cheered.

Aizawa growned. He may need something stronger than coffee after he was done with this conversation.

The morning had been going so well. Izuku had seemed much better this morning than last night, putting Aizawa into a good mood, which was odd in the mornings. His spirit also soared when the twins called him Dadzawa. He snorted, amused by the memory. Dadzawa and Yamapops. What a pair they made.

Even breakfast went well, with none of the cats causing any trouble somehow. Aizawa should have known that nothing that good comes without a price.

Yamada gave him A Look ™, silently telling him not to say anything. But from the look on his face, his husband had the same thoughts about this as he did.

Putting that aside, they said goodbye to the kids and followed Nedzu back to his office.

Today the office was a fuchsia color with three chairs that looked like antiques out of the 1920 time period. Aizawa scrunched up his face at the extravagance of it all.

"Now, our conversation the other day was interrupted before we could actually discuss anything. I will get the tea served, it is a milk oolong tea this morning," Nedzu smiled, once he had served both the men tea he sat back down, "Now what I didn't get to tell you two yesterday at lunch was that I am taking Izuku on as a personal student! With your permission, of course, since you two are his temporary guardians."

Those words nagged on something in Aizawa's brain, but he wasn't sure why. He pushed it away to focus on Nedzu's words. He glanced over at his husband to see the man opening and closing his mouth, lost for words. This was it. The world was doomed. There was no hope for peace in his own home anymore, no quiet life for him, nope.

Yamada looked at Aizawa and the two just sat there as Nedzu joyfully sipped on his tea, looking quite pleased with himself.

"As long as he is happy, he has our permission to do almost anything he wants, so I guess my sanity will have to be sacrificed." Aizawa said gravely.

"Excellent!" Nedzu clapped his paws together, "Yamada?"

Yamada looked back and forth from Aizawa to Nedzu and then back again.

"If the little listener is happy," Yamada said miserably.

"And he is! Or at least he was when he left here yesterday! Gaara was even the one that brought his analysis ability to my attention! Even though I already had my eye on him anyway." Nedzu smiled and Aizawa died internally.

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