114.) He Reacts To You Falling

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"Alright babe," Louis started, "what we're gonna do is kick this ball," he held one up. I nodded, "were passing it to each other right?" I asked. He nodded, "right." He passed the ball to me and I caught it, dropping it to the ground. I kicked it to Louis and he got it, kicking it back. "Good baby, keep going," he smiled and I nodded. We passed it back and forth a couple times. Louis chuckled, "you're good at this." I rolled my eyes, "all we're doing is passing it." He raised his eyebrows. "Oh Yea?" He kicked it far, "go get it." I groaned, but ran after it going a little too fast and tripped over the ball, falling. "Ow..." I groaned and Louis ran over laughing. "How the fuck did you fall?" He asked helping me up. I sighed rubbing my back, "I tripped over the ball." He chuckled a bit, helping me walk to the house clearly done playing for now. "Klutz," he muttered and I rolled my eyes, pushing him away jokingly as he laughed

Louis Tomlinson PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora