151.) You're Best Friends And He Likes You (His POV)

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I stood in front of the mirror trying to fix my appearance considering (y/n) was coming over. Today was the day. I know I need to tell her how I really feel, but honestly I'm nervous as fuck. What if she doesn't like me? I shook the thoughts out of my mind knowing if I over think the whole situation I might just chicken out. But I'm a Tomlinson. Tomlinson's never back down. I put my hair in a beanie since it was deciding to not cooperate with me today and that's when I heard the doorbell. I gave my appearance one last look before running downstairs, "Coming!" I called and took a deep breath before opening the door. "Hey," I breathed with a grin, "Come in," I said and moved out of the way so she could walk in. (Y/n) walked in and gave me a hug, "Hey, Lou! I brought over some video games we can play," she said walking over to my couch and placing the multiple video games onto the coffee table. "Great," I smiled and closed the door, "You set up the game and I'll go make us some tea," I nodded before leaving the room and letting out a slight breath. Don't screw up, Tomlinson. You'll never forgive yourself. I groaned slightly as I started to prepare the tea, hearing (y/n) in the kitchen, but I kept my focus on what I was doing. "Oh, Louis..." I heard her say in a sing song voice and before I could turn around I felt something cold run down my back and I gasped loudly. "Fuck! (Y/n)! Ugh," I said noticing it was an ice cube and quickly turning around. I playfully glared at her and she stuck he tongue out at me in response. "You have two seconds to run..." I said and started to count to which she bolted out of the room, laughing. I quickly ran after her, following her upstairs looking in each of the rooms to see if I could find the girl. "Oh, (y/n) where are you?" I say walking towards my room and I heard (y/n) saying, "oh shit," under her breath and I laughed when I saw she had cornered herself in the room. She playfully screamed and I ran over, making her hide in the corner giggling. I cornered her and smirked, "told you I'd find you," I said licking my lips slightly, glancing down at hers for a second. I carefully brought my hand up to caress (y/n)'s cheek making her take a shaky breath. I look up into her eyes, tracing my thumb along her lip slowly before leaning in forward until our lips met. I kissed (Y/n) slowly, smiling against her lips when she started to kiss back slowly. After a few seconds I pulled away and looked up at her. (Y/n) blushed slightly and poked my nose, "Yooooou like me," she teased, "I knew it!" she giggled. I blushed and laughed, nodding in defeat, "Yeah... maybe I do," I chuckled. (Y/n) smiled and pecked my lips, "Good,  because I like you too... but you have to catch me first!" she said and pushed me onto the bed, running out of the room. I laughed, getting up to go chase her. We both knew I'd end up catching her.

Louis Tomlinson PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora