47.) How He Proposes

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We were walking along the beach after a long day of swimming and building sand castles. The sun was setting making the sky a pinkish orange color. Our hands intertwined. "(Y/n)?" Louis said. "Yea?" I asked and he smiled at me letting go of my hand. I looked at him confused. He got down on one knee taking out a box from his pocket. "(Y/n) we've been together for a while and I love you. You're always here for me and always cared about me. Whenever I'm upset you crack little jokes just to see me smile. I love you and want everyone to know that. So will you become the future Mrs. Tomlinson?" He asked looking me in the eyes seeming a bit nervous. I was speechless. I smiled and nodded. He took my hand slipping the beautiful ring on my finger. As soon as he stood up I hugged him not wanting to let go l. I kissed him before we continued our walk down the beach.

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