95.) You Comfort Him

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I was on tour with the boys and Louis had some free time and wanted to spend time with me. I made it to his hotel room, softly knocking three times. "Come in," I hear him call from inside. I opened the door, shutting it behind me. Louis was sitting on the bed, on his phone. He looked a little down some, so I sat next to him putting my head on his shoulder. "What's wrong?" I asked while watching him on his phone. He was going through pictures of his family. "I just miss my family a lot, (y/n). That's all," he answered smiling a little at some of the pictures. "You'll see them soon, Louis. Don't worry. The tour's almost over," I assured him. He looked at me with a faint smile as I saw tears in his eyes. "Aww, Louis," I said in a faint whisper and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back, kissing my cheek. "Louis, we'll go see them right after the tour is over. Okay?" He nodded, "okay." I sat on his lap, looking through the photos with him, rubbing his back. I smiled whenever he did and once in a while he would tell me about the picture. After going through them all, he decided to call them, making him happier than ever.

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