73.) Your Child Does A Suicide Attempt (His POV)

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(Y/n) had went out to the store while I was at home with our 15 year old daughter. Well, basically alone cause (y/d/n) was in her room doing her homework, I think. I was walking around the house trying to keep myself occupied, but that didn't work out well. I decided to bug (y/d/n) which should be a good thing so she can get a break from homework. I went upstairs to her room not even bothering to knock when I stopped dead in my tracks. (Y/d/n) was sitting on the ledge of the window whispering, "just jump (y/d/n), it'll all be over soon." A tear fell down my cheek as I ran to the window and dragged her inside. I slammed the window shut and said, "what the hell were you thinking (y/d/n)! You could've killed yourself!" I started crying and saw tears forming in her eyes. She mumbled something. "What?" I asked. She took a deep breath, "I wanted to. I'm not worth it. I shouldn't be here. You should've let me jump cause no one would've cared." I started crying even more, "(y/d/n) I love you so much and so does your mother and friends. If you killed yourself, both your mother and I would be heartbroken. Don't ever think we don't love you or care. We would do anything for you to be happy." She started crying hard and I hugged her tight. "Please don't ever do this again," I whispered and she nodded. "Promise?" I asked. "Promise," she said and I wiped her tears away and held her close as she told me everything that happened which lead up to the event. She promised shed never do it again because she actually realized how many people cared. I believed her, but I still had to keep an eye on her and tell (y/n). But I'd never know exactly why she turned to suicide rather than finding another way to fix things.

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