69.) He Feels The Baby Kick For The First Time

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I was about 4 months pregnant with Louis and I's baby and Louis decided to have a day off just to spend time with me. We were cuddling on the couch when out of nowhere I felt like something kicked my belly. "Ow," I said automatically even though it didn't hurt. "What's wrong?" Louis asked concerned thinking something was wrong. I laughed at his expression, "I'm fine the baby just kicked." I've been feeling the baby kick all day, but I didn't tell Louis... "What!?" He said excitedly and lifted my shirt revealing the small baby bump. "Where?" He asked and put his hand on my belly. I smiled and guided his hand to where the baby was kicking. His face softened and he smiled as I felt the baby kick. "Oh my gosh (y/n). That's our baby," he said and looked up at me. He started talking to my belly, "hi, my little baby Tomlinson. I can't wait to meet you and please be a little baby boy," I slapped his arm and he laughed and continued, "or a girl works too. I love you either way," he kissed my belly and had a big smile on his face as he gave me a quick kiss.

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