66.) You Get Too Stressed From School

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I was studying for a big test I had the next day, but I couldn't seem to focus or remember anything I was reading. This is what I get for waiting last minute to study. I had gotten home at 3 and it was now 7 and I've been studying since. I put my head in my hands trying to calm myself down. I was getting frustrated at the friggin textbook. I groaned and tossed it on my desk making a loud bang and Louis came in the bedroom. I had forced him to stay in the living room so I could concentrate. "What's wrong (y/n)?" Louis asked and sat next to me on the bed. "I can't remember anything from that stupid textbook and I'm going to fail the test tomorrow which at the moment I don't really care," I said and put my hand through my hair. Louis got up and grabbed the textbook, sitting with the book in his lap. "What pages?" He asked and I turned to the pages for him. He skimmed the pages while I waited. Louis probably already learned this since he was older. He cleared his throat, "I'll read it out loud and quiz you on it afterwords. Okay?" I nodded as he started reading soon asking me questions which surprisingly I knew the answers. We did this until it was time to go to bed. I also passed the test with a decent grade.

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