122.) The Love Letter He Writes You

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Dear (y/n), The love of my life, the light of my tunnel, the sun of my universe. Ive missed my little angel since being on tour. I miss waking up to those beautiful eyes every morning as much as I miss seeing your pretty face. I've missed hearing your voice and incredible laugh. I wanted to write to you because we've been gone for a couple months and everyday I miss you more and more. I want you here to brighten my day and help me when I'm stressed or down. Just the sound of your voice helps me. I love you to the end of space and back an infinite amount of times. Please call, skype, or text me as soon as possible. I don't care what time it is here. I just want to be able to talk to you and maybe decide a good time for you to visit. I need a Louis and (Y/N) day. Love you baby,
Love Louis❤

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