33.) Telling Your Child You're Pregnant

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Louis and I wanted to surprise our daughter (y/d/n) by saying I'm pregnant. We had already cleaned out a room for the baby and we took (y/d/n) to the room. "So (y/d/n) what do you think? Blue or pink walls?" I asked. She looked around thinking for a bit. "Hmm. How about blue?" She said. Louis smile "well what if it's a girl?" "Then......wait what?" She said looking at us confused. "What if you have a sister not a brother?" Her face lite up and she yelled "you're pregnant!!" I laughed and she hugged me and Louis. "I can't believe I'm gonna have a baby brother or sister" "well believe it cause its gonna be here soon enough" I said and for the rest of the day she was talking about her baby brother or sister.

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